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Your ideas of cctv will come to naught,i have been told before that is inadmisable evidence and that you could in theory be done for filming someone without their permission,it works for buisnesses and the cops but for us its a no no,welcome to justice in the uk,commiserations on your car there is a company called chipaway that paints out scratches and chips maybe theres one near you,i know its not going to make you feel any better and you will have to pay butits a solution,sort of,Bm

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Your ideas of cctv will come to naught,i have been told before that is inadmisable evidence and that you could in theory be done for filming someone without their permission,it works for buisnesses and the cops but for us its a no no,welcome to justice in the uk,commiserations on your car there is a company called chipaway that paints out scratches and chips maybe theres one near you,i know its not going to make you feel any better and you will have to pay butits a solution,sort of,Bm


What if you have a disclaimer stating that CCTV is in operation?

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If the CCTV is done properly it certainly is admisable!!! Private CCTV covering public space is the issue but properly installed and run CCTV (information commissioners office used to deal with it) is fine, council CCTV is the best but getting hold of footage hard however police can

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Whether CCTV is admissable or not doesn't matter right now, what matters is that plod collar the bloke and tell him that he is on CCTV and he is nicked. If they do it right he'll admit to the vandalism and Bob's your uncle.


I hope they nail the sad slag.

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even if the police don't take it further you stand a good chance of a private prosecution either through your insurers or doing it yourself.

Though if you have the pictures clear enough I'd just contact the company he works for, doing that in a works van will be something they really don't like. If it was one of my drivers he would be paying up or on his bike so to speak.

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