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parrot's at shooting grounds

ashley c

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hi all ive noticed at a couple of shoots i go to there always seems to be people almost trying to stand in the cage with me having a look at the clays. i went to fishers pond shoot today as my turn was next i stod in the loading cage loaded the gun snaped it shut then noticed a woman stod beside me and three heads bobbing up and down right behind me to my left andd right sides. two of them was closer to me than my dad who was pushing the clay trap button. i find it verry off putting when im shooting. when it was my dads turn i asked them to please move back and give us some room and after they all looked at each other they took hath a step back. i did think about handing my gun to one of them and asking if they would rather take my shot. it would be nice if some people would respect the shooter in front.


dose any one else suffer this same problem ??

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I stand well back 3-4' some people stand 3-4" but i shoot left handed which confuses them. 2 options one is dont pull the trigger till they move back or fire your shots then rip with the carts over your shoulder straight at the mush behind!

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Haha I do like the eject the cartridges over ur shoulder idear.

I'm still amazed by the dirty looks I got when I did ask the to pleas move back. I thought shooting was a gentleman's sport. Gess I still got a bit to learn lol only been shooting since last October apart from people like that I really enjoy the sport.

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I've seen another topic like this recently.


I can honestly say I have never seen it. Some of the strawbalers I go to have some friendly types who are happy to spot for you IF ASKED, but I have to say it's not a thing I've ever seen in quite a lot of clay shooting.


I suppose there is every possiblity I'm a lot less worth watching than you are... ;)

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I've seen another topic like this recently.


I can honestly say I have never seen it.


No me neither :unsure: , and Soft Cell were in the charts when I started :lol: . Just maybe Ashley is mistaking the few people whose turn is imminent and who understandably (and within etiquette) are trying to figure the birds out for crowding/parrot behaviour?

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I had a couple of parrots in the cage with me at a shoot recently,i don't mind anyone having a look at the targets but when they're less than a foot behind you it can put you off a bit.


And just to really wind me up they were 'Talking Parrots' at which point i had to tell them,politely of course,that i'd paid my money to shoot and not to listen to them talking !!


They looked at me like i was out of order,but sometimes you do feel that the etiquette is going out of our sport :hmm:



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i got this a lot at one time and by far the best way to deal with it is :hmm::hmm:


concentrate on your target, and you wont know they are there :yes::yes:


Exactly, unless you have eyes in the back of your head it shouldn't be problem.


Keep focussed on the targets, nothing else matters.



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The fishers pond shoot does get very busy and the stands by the club house especialy get crowded,some shooters love attention and puff there chest out while others are a bit conscious and hate the crowd,and get flustered,I prefer a quiet mid week practice but enjoy the hustle and bustle of a busy shoot as well ,

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The thing that really P***ED me off a few years back (and I went into the booking desk and complained) was people closing their gun and standing beside you "ghosting" your shot and practicing their swing on your clay. I said that if I see another gun closed while I am shooting I am walking off and making a complaint to the CPSA.


Its the responsibility of the official pressing the button to ensure that safety is observed. Plus general common sense shoud dictate that other shooters wait well back. This was at Broomhills, it was stopped, credit to Ken for that.

Edited by Vince Green
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The thing that really P***ED me off a few years back (and I went into the booking desk and complained) was people closing their gun and standing beside you "ghosting" your shot and practicing their swing on your clay.


Crikey that's a new one on me.


Another thing that puts sensitive people off is the electronic headsets where you can hear everything except the bang. I say turn 'em off!

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