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Reality check!

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Firstly I must thank Terry for being my escort and armourer today.

And finding a vest to fit my puny body!


After my first trip out to East Barnet, I was feeling pleased with myself but not overly confident.

Today's shoot at Almshoe Bury, my first 70 bird sporting was a whole new ball game!

Started well with 8/10 on the first 2 stands, then kaboom!

0,1,5,1,0 :blink:


I am having my first lesson with John Farley tomorrow so Terry was trying desperately to keep the advice to a minimum.

So not as to cloud my easily confused mind for tomorrow! :lol:

After I had finished the last stand Terry and another shooter (who only dropped 3) gave me some advice and I attempted the pair again. 2 kills! :lol:


Hopefully with what John has to teach me and eventually being able to get out more often I will become a bit more consistent!


But after today I think I am in prime position for Herts duffer Champion! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Hi mate,


Sorry I couldn't get down today. Sounds like you had fun... :)


I'll make no bones of it, they put on a fairly tough layout down there - so you really shouldn't feel disheartened. Plus, given the day, you would have had lots of very good shots there so they may have made it even tougher (plus I think the wind might have been against you). Lots of local game keepers go to the dots shoot.. I heard that the turn out wasn't the best its been, which is a shame as "it's all for charity mate".


We have all been there and had to start somewhere... you really are not alone. The best thing you can do is what you are doing, get some coaching...and get out to as many shoots as you can. So many times do people only ever shoot at one place. I personally think this gives you a false sense of how good you actually are.


You happen to have landed in the right county...and in the right part of it. There are a good few of us that shoot together fairly regularly so you are more that welcome to come and make us look good, I mean, join in the fun...


See you soon mate and chin up...



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It was fun, I will defiantly be going back.

Where's the fun in it being too easy ;)


Lovely spot, and it was getting quite busy when we left. We were some of the first round.

The burger van makes it an draw!


I look forward to shooting as many different places as I can, just like when I played golf.

What's the point playing the same course every time?


Until I hopefully get my cert (12 weeks and waiting!) I have to rely on Terry's goodwill for getting out at the moment!

But I hope to be out and meet you soon.





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23 on 70 in your first full round of sporting is not bad at all.


Shooting a shotgun is a lot different from shooting a rifle ( I'm assuming from your fine pair of AA PCP's you are a fairly accomplished rifle shot) there are so many good habits from rifle shooting that are bad habits in Shotgun shooting and vice versa. It can get frustrating particularly when you are pretty good with a rifle to start again with a shotgun at the "hardly hitting anything" point !


Clearly you where able to hit well the targets on the first two stands so dont worry to much about the rest of the round. your coach should be able to put you right on technique. Consistency will improve using your own gun, bought to fit you correctly and will hopefully improve further as you gain experience.

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Had a top 1-1/2hrs with John this morning.

And Terry was there for encouragement as well! ( I think he's stalking me!)


Just as I suspected, A bit of proper coaching goes a long way!


I cannot wait for the next couple of lessons and to top off a good day (apart from the funeral I attended) I won a couple of raffle prizes on Sunday that I need to collect and I have my home visit a week tomorrow! :)

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You'll improve, but 23 isn't too bad. You should see me shoot. I'm rubbish with a shotgun and I've had it the best part of five years by now! Regular trips out are what's needed and that's something I don't do. Stick with it and you'll be up there with the best of them in no time. :good:

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Paul - stick with it. It is a superb sport and most people can become good, very good or top flight depending on how much they listen, concentrate, practice and genuinely have a wish to get better.


You might just like shooting clays and never want to enter competitions - fine.


If you want to improve, I sincerely think that competitions are a big help.

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