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Prince Harry deployment .


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Anyone else find the tabloids tipping off the Taliban that Harry is going to be in one of them flying beasties a tad un patriotic ? Especially when it comes from the right wing rags who always wrapped themselves in the flag when it earned them a buck ?

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I'm not surprised at all.


Comics like The Scum and others only care about one thing, and that is making money.


I was in the army in the days when they used to run stories about how soldiers were out of control scum. The moment there is a dewy eyed sentimental buck to be made out of their pigpoo thick readers though, they go all Wooton Basset. I'd rather burn my money than buy one of their papers.

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The Taliban will go all out to bring down an Apache now ! It has always been a goal of theirs, but now even more so ! How effin stupid can these so called newspapers be ? Not only bringing extra danger to Harry but every other Apache pilot / gunner. Luckily the Apache has so much armament that he can give it back by the bucketload ! Go on Harry ! At last a Royal who earns his medals !!

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Broadcasting news like that must make every other soldier more of a target . Imagine what a trophy he would be for the rag heads

I don't always believe what it says in the papers but who says the Taliban feel the same


By tuning in to British TV and reading the papers the Taliban can gleen enough intel to win the war, its ******* ridiculous. We've also told the Libyans that we cant keep our jets flying without breaking others for spares and told the Argentines that we wont have a viable carrier until 2020. We may as well be saying to the world ' why dont a few more of you start on us and watch us fold up in weeks'.


If our forces are going to be committed to defend the undefendable and win the unwinnable then at least give them the tackle they need to do it and censor the press more. Scrapping the Harriers and the last of our fixed wing carriers and then giving X billion in overseas aid to countrys that squander it is senseless, telling the world all about it is just plain ******* stupid.

Edited by ack-ack
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I think we need him out there. It's not really a proper crusade without a prince or king is it?

whey too right notheing but respect for thease two boys both trying to earn thier keep top marks to them... and to be honest some ******* with a highlux and flip flops aint much of a chalange for one of these death bringer is it

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