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will he be looking for another job after this statement

decoying mad

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I thought there was already a scheme in place where by the government pays half of the wages of mentally handicapped employees in certain situations, meaning the employer pays half rate, and the government pays less than if they were just on benefits and everyone is happy?

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It all depends on how suitable the person is for the job. I worked along side a lad with learning difficulties a few years back and he nailed us on quite a few of the daily routine jobs but he would have been pants in the office.


If I was a small business and the law stated that I had to employ somebody because of their physical status before their ability I would feel that renumeration should differ from the able bodied employees IF their disability was resulting in a dissproportionately low work rate. I worked along side one of the fattest women I've ever seen on the aforementioned job also and due to her age she was in the same wage band as my brother who used to do three times the work that she could, it was very de-motivating for him.

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turn the disabled into slave labour :no: , yet another new low from the snout in trough, greedy thieving bunch of charlatans that pass themselves off as our "representatives" wonder if he thinks he is as deserving of his protected pension, as the disabled are of low wages, nothing short of a scumbag who needs a serious boot to the gonads.



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Any of you lot actually employ people and pay wages from your own pockets?


Leaving the disability label out of this, how would you deal with the following proposition - there are two people both looking to get paid minimum wage; one does twice as much work as the other. Which one do you want to keep / employ?


It's simple mathematics. Anyone who doesn't say "the one that does twice as much work" doesn't live in the real world or works for local government or a charity; whichever it is, you clearly aren't looking to make ends meet or a return / profit.


The MP is calling it how it is and trying to address how to get more disabled people into the market place. We can of course do nothing, keep sending them for interviews they will never pass and pretend that they can get jobs.

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I think some people are missing the point there.


Take a fit able bodied clever fella, experienced at sales patter working in a hardware shop for example works for say £6 an hour. He's able to carry things, climb step ladders to get goods from high shelves, in and out of window displays, nip down the celler, help customers out to the car with their purchase, unpack the incoming goods for sale etc.


A disabled clever person would like to work in the shop and gain sales experience but fully understands that he cannot do much of the above described manual work so he knows he's unlikely to be a usefull option to the employer at the same labour rate - so remains unemployed with no self esteem or reason to get out of bed in the mornings. So he offers his services at £4 per hour to reflect that lesser ability, but there is still someone on the shop floor while the able bodied get on with manual work.


Would anyone pay £1 for a bag of sugar if they can get it for 70P? Same difference - it's the real world out there guys.


Listening to the look-at-me I'm so nice OH My Gosh thats so unfair, someone has to pay as long as it's someone else responses to this situation is just going to keep the disabled chap out of work. Sod it then let him feel and be a burden on the state instead of allowing him to at least partially support himself with some dignity.


Sorry if that ruffles anyones hair buts thats the only way the bloke is likely to get a start in employment. and thats before elf n safety put a load of hurdles in front of the employer every few months.


Strewth, I just looked at the time I started making this post while eating me dinner: Can't believe I spent over an hour on this post just so some members wont feel picked on.

Edited by Dave-G
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Any of you lot actually employ people and pay wages from your own pockets?


Leaving the disability label out of this, how would you deal with the following proposition - there are two people both looking to get paid minimum wage; one does twice as much work as the other. Which one do you want to keep / employ?


It's simple mathematics. Anyone who doesn't say "the one that does twice as much work" doesn't live in the real world or works for local government or a charity; whichever it is, you clearly aren't looking to make ends meet or a return / profit.


The MP is calling it how it is and trying to address how to get more disabled people into the market place. We can of course do nothing, keep sending them for interviews they will never pass and pretend that they can get jobs.


er how do you leave the disability bit out when it's all about the disability bit? it aint about employing a better worker, it's about giving a disabled person a fair crack of the whip, perhaps if the govt actually recognised the plight of the disabled, it might do something for them, telling them to work for below the min wage is frankly nothing short of disgusting, and shows an alarming lack of compassion from one who has supposedly gone into public office to serve and represent all ( or is that just for the able-bodied)



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Any of you lot actually employ people and pay wages from your own pockets?


Leaving the disability label out of this, how would you deal with the following proposition - there are two people both looking to get paid minimum wage; one does twice as much work as the other. Which one do you want to keep / employ?


It's simple mathematics. Anyone who doesn't say "the one that does twice as much work" doesn't live in the real world or works for local government or a charity; whichever it is, you clearly aren't looking to make ends meet or a return / profit.


The MP is calling it how it is and trying to address how to get more disabled people into the market place. We can of course do nothing, keep sending them for interviews they will never pass and pretend that they can get jobs.


Agree with mungler. Try running a small business these days before commenting. It would be lovely to live in a utopia where everyone is equal but we don't and times are tough.


But don't worry because when Greece falls and the eurozone collapses things like this will be the least of our worries.

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You miss the point. It's not because they are disabled it's because in the example they do half as much as the next person but for the same money. You wouldn't employ any person for the same money as the next person if they did half the work of the next person.

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You miss the point. It's not because they are disabled it's because in the example they do half as much as the next person but for the same money. You wouldn't employ any person for the same money as the next person if they did half the work of the next person.


perhaps if we worried a little more about the estimated 25 BILLION a year avoided in tax by the big players of society, or the millions upon millions sent as aid to the "less advantaged" overseas ( new ak47 anyone) and did something to help our own disadvantaged (genuine ones) then I would feel less aggrieved that a that a richard head opened his mouth before actually thinking that someone already struggling to fit in with society, might actually benefit from being paid slave labour rates.



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Staying on topic, anyone fancy binning off their window cleaner, plumber, gardener, accountant, milkman or mechanic for someone who costs the same as your last one but who does a worse job or takes twice as long (thereby doubling the price to you)?

Edited by Mungler
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I should explain that im not having a pop at the disabled, I'm just telling it how it is.


"it" needs fixing though. In the wider sense of government squander, yes, the government could address the problem without screwing the disabled who want to work.


I would suggest tax breaks for the employers etc and yes, use the money otherwise being spent in pursuit of illegal wars or paid out in state benefits to those who have never put in.

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turn the disabled into slave labour :no: , yet another new low from the snout in trough, greedy thieving bunch of charlatans that pass themselves off as our "representatives" wonder if he thinks he is as deserving of his protected pension, as the disabled are of low wages, nothing short of a scumbag who needs a serious boot to the gonads.





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As a small business, it cost a fortune to ensure your premises are adapted to make sure that less than able bodied can work there even if you don not emplay anyone with disabilities at the moment.


I also believe that everyine should get a fair crack of the whip but we can't escape the fact that some ppl will do a faster/better job than others but as long as people have done their best, they shopuld be rewarded for it.


Slightly off topic but in a similar vein, when succesive govts have tried to review disability payments, several charities and whichever party is in opposition has a go at them.


It's not a case of forcing people out of wheelchairs and getting them to try and stand up all day, but weeding out the fraudulent scumbags who take the money they are not entitled to.


Same with Blue badge abusers,clamp em then fine em!

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