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poorly laptop


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If it still works leave it switched off.


Take the keyboard out.


Clean anything none electrical.




Switch on and test?


Keyboard will come out with little clips around it, ca be done with a blunt knife or anything. Normally clips each side of space bar and one more?


If you can't see them/ feel uncomfortable then better to just claim on insurance and scrub it down to experience?


Sorry mate.

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Normally you can get away with water if it just a splash, things that contain sugar are bad news.

If there is a reasonable amount of Coke in there I would guess those keys will always stick and no manufacturer will cover that under warranty, so insurance is your best route provided your excess isn't too high.

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Normally you can get away with water if it just a splash, things that contain sugar are bad news.

If there is a reasonable amount of Coke in there I would guess those keys will always stick and no manufacturer will cover that under warranty, so insurance is your best route provided your excess isn't too high.

yer thats wat i thought cheers for comments boys :good:

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I would get a price from your local repair centre


When you have taken into account your excess, the raised premium due to making a claim for the next 3 years you will be declaring it. It might be better off just paying for it yourself

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