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Massive Thanks

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As some of you may know I am starting a clay shooting club at my comprehensive school. I have two main aims for the club:

- To promote excellent in shooting and allow students to achieve and be the best.

- To allow access to the support for students who are financially unable or who would not otherwise get the opportunity.


To help me achieve particularly the second aim, I wrote off to a number of parties to see if they would be willing to help. Times are tight but I have had my first success.


Hull have donated 1000 21g Comp X cartridges to us! This will really help subsidise the cost of the club and allow access to those who do not have the financial means to access the sport. One example is little Davey (name changed) who has some behaviour issues and an 'interesting' family life. He has refused school for 6 months but is back in and trying to deal with his anger and make the best of his life. I was talking to him today and introduced the idea, the first question was 'That sounds great, but how much will it cost?'. I know his family do not have the financial means to support him, what with 6 kids in the family home to support. Such a donation will allow Davey to be part of this club. Hull have been really generous so I wanted to thank them publically especially in times of such hard economic conditions.


Now, to get my hands on some free guns......

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One example is little Davey (name changed) who has some behaviour issues and an 'interesting' family life. He has refused school for 6 months but is back in and trying to deal with his anger and make the best of his life. I was talking to him today and introduced the idea, the first question was 'That sounds great, but how much will it cost?'.


Well done OddJob for thinking up that idea and good on you Hull :good:


Can't help but wince at the thought of the above 'Little Davey'. Some people are best to just be spectators IMHO.



Edited by Billy.
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Davey will be getting a go definately. School might not quite be the right place for him in the same way a building site is utterly strange for me. He will be fine, he was telling me how he sometimes shoots cans with an air rifle and wears goggles just in case. Sometimes you've just got to give them a little bit of trust and they soar.

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Sounds like a great idea, hope it works out a great success for you. Just a thought, the one time secondary school teacher, author, & now BASC rep. Robin Marshall Ball ran several successful courses for school children like you are describing, I'm sure if you contacted him through BASC he would be able to offer sound advice ( if you haven't alredy.)


Good luck, GB

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Thanks for the support. I have contacted the BASC and they said they would be in touch soon which is very kind.

Billy: don't worry I've taken harder kids shooting and once there they know what is expected. We've all been angry at some point but we also know how good it feels to have one thing we are good at.

Floating: well that is possible but we are not alone in this venture and no tax payees money is involved.

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Thanks for the support. I have contacted the BASC and they said they would be in touch soon which is very kind.

Billy: don't worry I've taken harder kids shooting and once there they know what is expected. We've all been angry at some point but we also know how good it feels to have one thing we are good at.

Floating: well that is possible but we are not alone in this venture and no tax payees money is involved.


I wish you the very best in this venture!

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We've all been angry at some point but we also know how good it feels to have one thing we are good at.


Exactly! And having responsibilities is what makes us control it.


Perhaps if this kid enjoys shooting, the penny will drop that it will be out of his reach if he attracts the attention of the law. He may see how his behavior will potentially affect the rest of his life employment wise and socially. It could well set him on the road to responsibility. Some kids just need to be given a chance to turn the corner.



Good luck with your venture :good:

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All the best in your venture . Teaching the disipline needed to handle and shoot a gun for competetive sport can lead some to a better handleing of other situations in everyday life (without a gun in hand I might add).

Agree it will need a great deal of work and care to ensure things go correctly for each individual and no doubt will require a lot of effort and careful planning.

Labeling and shunning those that may just need to find the right niche to learn that things can come together and are rewarding when they are prepared to make the effort can only be benificial to them and society in general, maybe not all but hopefuly a good few will benefit from it .

Good luck, must admit you are braver than I :good:

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Some people shouldn't mix with guns. A history of anger etc is not a good sign.


:look: :no:



I can see where Billy is coming from on this and lets turn it around, what chance do you think our little Davey would have of getting a FAC/SGC, somewhat hypothetical I know because of age etc but a small reality check.


Regardless of this, it MUST be assumed that there will be STRICT supervision, so any problems should be seen resolved/solved before they become a problem......


Hey, Hey, Hey....Lets be careful out there people!






I not buying any more Hull, if they can afford to give them away they are charging me too much! :o :o :lol::lol::lol::lol:



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OddJob Excellent news, Just wish somewhere local to me would stock the bloody things!


as for Little Davey i think once he has something to gain from controlling his anger and something to loose which is precious there may well be a marked difference in the kid,


Kids who come from some homes have no concept of respect, when dad hits mum when he feels like it and they sell your toys for crack why should you be different? (an extreme example but it happens the MIL spent her career working in deprived schools were all sorts happened, that would make most peoples eyes pop out!


As long as it is done properly i have no reason to deny the kid a chance. I would rather he is instructed in clay shooting than playing PS3/Xbox and shooting at pixels shaped like people......

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I am a teacher in school Glen and have a history of working with interestingly behaved young people. I also want them to excel and be the best in Britain and I thank Hull in supporting both thees aims.


Again well done. I think that the vast majority of teachers do an excellent job these days and you seem to be a good example of that. Young Davey is in good hands. :good:


I took a lot of 'lively' young lads onto ranges in service days, some whom would probably make Davey look like a saint, but with the right handling and discipline they didn't only just behave, but behaved excellently and safely.

Edited by Glenshooter
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good idea and good on you for trying.

only proplem is that you could be setting little davey up for a huge dissapointment.if he is any good and wants to take it further there is no way he would get a SGC part of the application for a childs SGC is a report from the school on his attendance and attitude to school,it is the first step if he dosen`t get a glowing report from the school it will go no further.and if he applies and is turn down he will no long be able to shoot at school at all

Edited by cowboy1403
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Well done to Hull Cartridge.....now why should kids who miss behave and refuse school, or are excluded from school be given treats :no: ...surely kids with anger management issues should not be given access to firearms, i am sure the police will have problems with this....you probaly think you are doing your bit to help kids get back on the straight and narrow, but most of us think its do gooders like you that are ruining the country :angry: ....MORE DICIPLINE THATS WHATS NEEDED :good: .....kids are not born bad....they take example from parents and those around them.....anyway rant over :hmm:

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but most of us think its do gooders like you that are ruining the country


What a short sighted and ill informed reply this is.

Where do you get your facts?


If there were more people like Neal "oddjob" around the world would be a better place, it is good to put something back into society, perhaps you should try it, it can and does make you feel good, and does good for others.


Keep up the good work Oddjob, and take no notice of the doom mongers and knockers

Edited by bakerboy
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.....kids are not born bad....they take example from parents and those around them.....anyway rant over :hmm:




It seems that with people like 'oddjob' around him the lad may well see another side to life.


Well done Neal, and Hull :good:

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