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Massive Thanks

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Reaper I appreciate your reply and even in my role in behaviour management at school it is tempting to add more discipline to those who do not respond. However with the most difficult kids this is counter productive strangely, often as you say, because they have not learned self management from parents. Giving them an environment that so clearly has boundaries and requirements for self management is a step. Dont read my case study wrong, Davey does not go around punching people, he is more verbally frustrated. And again, it will never be reckless and students will be supervised.

The real danger is kids who get complacent, not those who are new to it. We've all seen adults like this.

It's an interesting debate about how we learn boundaries. Fear of consequence mixed with education, firm but fair boudaries, but also a chance to redeem yourself from being seen as 'bad'.

We will also have kids there to excell and be the best, i want to start off some gold medalists too.

Just need some guns now..anyone got some they want to donate? ;)

Edited by OddJob
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Just my take on it. When I was at school (left 5 years ago) I had a let's say colourful school life. I won't give to much away but fighting was the least of the problems. I got sgc as I was leaving school and fac later on. Never been in trouble since so give lil davey and oddjob a break its sometimes just what's needed. Plus your all full of **** with this whiter then white ********. Ever drove 71mph on the motorway. Oww better revoke your sgc/fac because your obviously not responsible for them. I have anger problems and a very short fuse BUT because I have sgc/fac I've learnt to keep control over it. Swiss tony can vouch for it as he witnessed it first hand last week

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I've kept an eye on this thread with some interest, many valid points have been made.

Please allow me to share my experience with you.


For many years I was a governor of a local high school. I was chair of governors for 5 years.

The school was located in one of the most socially deprived areas of Britain. Just under 500 pupils, over 40% entitlement to free school meals, truancy at a level to support 3 home school liason officers; many pupils from families with 4 generations of unemployment. The school developed, and trialed many of the programmes and strategies in use in schools today.


I also was conserned when I learned that kids with challenging behaviour, poor attendance etc. were seemingly being rewarded with treats such as McDonalds vouchers, trips out to various venues, whilst the kids that tried their best and towed the line were overlooked for any rewards.


Over a few years I witnessed a change in a number of pupils whom for what ever reason would appear before committees of governors with a view to being permanently excluded from school. This was a piontless task,as the school was effectivly the boroughs sink school.


Clay shooting was never on the agenda, but shooting at an army range was. Many pupils and the school benefited from such programmes, contovercial though they were. Eventually we found a way of also rewarding pupil excellence and effort. Over several years the school moved from the botom of the lower quartile to the bottom of the upper quartile in a large number of categories. The school closed several years ago for political reasons.


I applaud the efforts of teachers who go the extra mile for kids that could so easily be written off, and become a problem for society to handle throughout their lives. I'm sure that there will be adequate risk assesments in place, and that pupils taking part in the shooting will have been screened, even if they don't know it. Hopefully they will benefit from the experience; I've witnessed changes in kids, almost like the flicking of a switch, so much so that I now employ one of them.


Well done Hull Cartridge, and any other company or PW member in a position to support this effort.



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but most of us think its do gooders like you that are ruining the country


What a short sighted and ill informed reply this is.

Where do you get your facts?


If there were more people like Neal "oddjob" around the world would be a better place, it is good to put something back into society, perhaps you should try it, it can and does make you feel good, and does good for others.


Keep up the good work Oddjob, and take no notice of the doom mongers and knockers


Check the crime figures for your area....and i will lay a bet that 90% is caused by kids.....rewards should be for people who work hard and respect others around them....not for the wasters of society.....you will be saying next that all convicted criminals get 12000 a year for working in prison plus all the rights and privalidges of the law abiding.....GET A GRIP.... i just hope your not a victim of crime,from one of these so called sad cases.

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Check the crime figures for your area....and i will lay a bet that 90% is caused by kids.....rewards should be for people who work hard and respect others around them....not for the wasters of society.....you will be saying next that all convicted criminals get 12000 a year for working in prison plus all the rights and privalidges of the law abiding.....GET A GRIP.... i just hope your not a victim of crime,from one of these so called sad cases.

Everyone needs a chance, and even a second chance.

I have been burgled at home and abroad, I have my cars broken into around the country, and have been physically assorted, althogh I will admit to not coming off the worse, and I have had employee's steal from me, maybe I have been unlucky,I am a advocate of a strict disicpline.

But I think we may be hi jacking a positive thread, so I will say no more.

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Check the crime figures for your area....and i will lay a bet that 90% is caused by kids.....


So what is your solution then to the kids that cause 90% of the crime? What are you actively doing about it?


Apart from criticising those who are helping kids that are at risk of becoming one of the 90%.

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Rather than this spiralling away in to social commentary let's leave it here. Thanks for the input especially from Hull who are helping students to ahieve and keep the sport going. I can't wait to get them breaking targets and winning trophies.

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you probaly think you are doing your bit to help kids get back on the straight and narrow, but most of us think its do gooders like you that are ruining the country :angry:




There are 34 posts on this thread before this one, and only 2 of them (yours) are not in support for what oddjob is doing. Unless 5% constitutes 'most of' anything these days, it looks a lot like you are on your own to me.

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Good luck with this.What a great thing to be doing there are so many kids that would never get the chance of doing this kind of sport without people like you.And being be supervised to do it right .We all have our moments when our temper gets the better of us but some can deal with in a more controlled manner .best wishes mark.

Edited by mark47
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