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Rotten to the core .


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Am I naive to expect better of the Police and Government ( present and past ) ? The countries' leaders and the representatives of law and order are caught in a sweaty sordid orgy with that old slag , The Press . The self righteous denials of guilt are making me want to vomit as i do not believe a word they say . At the end of the day they have their nests well feathered and we are destined to be dictated to by people who have the morals of the Kray Twins .

These people are supposed to be at the other end of the spectrum from the criminals , not in bed with them . Bent , the lot of em .

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now now! the met police chief has resigned to show he is a man of integrity and honesty, and to allow londoners to be properly policed without the distraction of the ongoing inquiry into hacking and police bungs overshadowing the good work of the met? he he! bet a fair few more harrises are struggling to keep the doo doo in.



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A few cracks in the edifice.

More people than we could guess are motivated by power, money, priviledge and control.

I used to believe that all the police were trustworthy - times seem to have changed.

I used to believe in man management by leadership and understanding rather than fear - times seem to have changed.

I used to believe only people with at least high principles became politicians - times seem to have changed.

I used to believe local government senior officers were motivated by public service - times seem to have changed.

I used to believe banks were etc etc etc.


Times have changed and very sadly much for the worse.

You hope for the best in peple and always find the worst.

Life's a bitch and then you die, isnt that how the saying goes ?


Thats why I enjoy life so much - I take no real part in all the **** anymore.

I'm after a smallholding a LONG way from 'civilisation'.

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Police forces are not rotten to the core. They are rotten FROM the core. Stevens is just one of many Chief Constables raking in lucrative little earners. And what has changed since the MPs expenses scandal?


As for this Murdoch business; politicians are now seizing the oppertunity to rid themselves of their links to News Corp. For many years Murdoch has decided how the UK vote, made and broke governments and made policies. He has been more powerful than anyone else in this country. Now he is on the back foot the tosseurs like Miliband are lining up to have a pop whereas two weeks ago they would have been licking his boots.

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Police forces are not rotten to the core. They are rotten FROM the core. Stevens is just one of many Chief Constables raking in lucrative little earners. And what has changed since the MPs expenses scandal?


As for this Murdoch business; politicians are now seizing the oppertunity to rid themselves of their links to News Corp. For many years Murdoch has decided how the UK vote, made and broke governments and made policies. He has been more powerful than anyone else in this country. Now he is on the back foot the tosseurs like Miliband are lining up to have a pop whereas two weeks ago they would have been licking his boots.




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That's quite a sweeping statement to state that the police are "rotten to the core", "rotten from the core".


As has been said many time before on what I am seeing as an anti-police forum, not all are bad you know!


When any organisation employs as many people as the countries Police Forces do, you are going to get issues from time to time.


Please don't tar all with the same brush. You never know when you might just need assistance yourself. :good:

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That's quite a sweeping statement to state that the police are "rotten to the core", "rotten from the core".


As has been said many time before on what I am seeing as an anti-police forum, not all are bad you know!


When any organisation employs as many people as the countries Police Forces do, you are going to get issues from time to time.


Please don't tar all with the same brush. You never know when you might just need assistance yourself. :good:


my two best friends are coppers. I tell them all the time what i think about the policing system. they tend to agree. not all coppers are bad, just 95%. and as for the system, well! thats 100% bad.

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In "business" what you are complaining about is called "networking", you build up a great long list of contacts that hopefully will prove useful to you and your "business" now, or in the future.


Along the way you "treat" them and they "treat" you.


Nothing as crass as cash in brown envelopes, but a good meal, or a day at the Grand National, long golf weekend at Gleneagles, weekend trip to Paris with the wife in tow, seats at Wimbledon, the list goes on.


This is nothing new, it has been going on since time began.


Is it wrong ?

I suppose it depends if its you getting the long weekend in Paris , or not. ;)

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Is it wrong ?

I suppose it depends if its you getting the long weekend in Paris , or not. ;)


Indeed. Most of the time you can see the 'Homer Simpson Defence' being played out..


"In my defence, I had no idea I would get caught.."


The pouring of moral outrage is always when people are caught (MP expenses, phone hacking etc), whereas perhaps it might be better having systems in place to prevent this kind of thing happening in the first place..?


Some hope.

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That's quite a sweeping statement to state that the police are "rotten to the core", "rotten from the core".


As has been said many time before on what I am seeing as an anti-police forum, not all are bad you know!


When any organisation employs as many people as the countries Police Forces do, you are going to get issues from time to time.


Please don't tar all with the same brush. You never know when you might just need assistance yourself. :good:


I've been a police officer for twenty five years and when I say that police forces are rotten from the core I know what I'm talking about and can evidence it. The management are corrupt and dishonest. But when you look at our governments of late it is no surprise.

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I've been a police officer for twenty five years and when I say that police forces are rotten from the core I know what I'm talking about and can evidence it. The management are corrupt and dishonest. But when you look at our governments of late it is no surprise.


Same as my lass then....


Don't worry only another 5 to do, or you already counting it down as days! :good:

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I do not have doubts about the majority of serving Police officers or even lower tiers of government . It is the higher echelons of these bodies who seem to be alarmingly close to the criminal elements , who despite wearing suits ,are as repulsive as those who burgle our homes .

I may have lead a sheltered life but I do not know anyone ( I think ) who is corrupt , nor do I know anyone who knows anyone who is corrupt . It is alarming how dirty are the hands of the great and the good responsible for running the country . The words Tin Pot and Banana keep springing to mind . Hope this episode leads to a clean up .

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I do not have doubts about the majority of serving Police officers or even lower tiers of government . It is the higher echelons of these bodies who seem to be alarmingly close to the criminal elements , who despite wearing suits ,are as repulsive as those who burgle our homes .

I may have lead a sheltered life but I do not know anyone ( I think ) who is corrupt , nor do I know anyone who knows anyone who is corrupt . It is alarming how dirty are the hands of the great and the good responsible for running the country . The words Tin Pot and Banana keep springing to mind . Hope this episode leads to a clean up .


It wont? ever heard of operation lancet? have to laugh at the comments we are an anti police forum? in fact nothing could be further from the truth, I accept an anti bent cop stance but then again perhaps if we did not get fed continual events of police corruption along with falsification of evidence, lie telling,physical abuse, strange decisions not to prosecute,oh and not forgetting the we are too busy to bother with your burglary etc etc, we may have a tad more trust in our "boys in blue"



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It wont? ever heard of operation lancet? have to laugh at the comments we are an anti police forum? in fact nothing could be further from the truth, I accept an anti bent cop stance but then again perhaps if we did not get fed continual events of police corruption along with falsification of evidence, lie telling,physical abuse, strange decisions not to prosecute,oh and not forgetting the we are too busy to bother with your burglary etc etc, we may have a tad more trust in our "boys in blue"




+1 :good:

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Am I naive to expect better of the Police and Government ( present and past ) ? The countries' leaders and the representatives of law and order are caught in a sweaty sordid orgy with that old slag , The Press . The self righteous denials of guilt are making me want to vomit as i do not believe a word they say . At the end of the day they have their nests well feathered and we are destined to be dictated to by people who have the morals of the Kray Twins .

These people are supposed to be at the other end of the spectrum from the criminals , not in bed with them . Bent , the lot of em .


Need I say more?



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Anyone stopped to think were this little event is going to get to before it stops, we now have the deputy cpc being questioned and more dirt coming to the surface and that's after Rebekah was arrested to stop her singing like a bird to the select committee on Tuesday,so come on where will it all end? I will take a little wager now that it brings down Cameron in a month or two.

Oh and dont forget now that the yanks are looking at murdoch and 9/11 he is just about to be scrapped internationally as well ( who will miss sky news?)


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Might not miss Sky News, but I'll certainly miss Sky Sports!


I agree, this could bring the government down, no doubt about it.


The greater concern is that should Murdoch's empire fall down then the amount of jobs that would be lost would be unthinkable!


I supply to alot of the magazines and newspapers industries in this country, they are all twitching as it is. If Murdoch pulls the plug, which he could; then god only knows what will happen.


One thing is for sure, Murdoch, Murdoch and Brookes will have far more dirt on Politicians and the Police than they do on them! :hmm:

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All the people in power it has been said, were afraid to cross the Murdoch Empire in case they came under fire from him.

Surely if they had a clean conscience, as they should have,they would have nothing to fear.


Critics of Murdoch who said nothing previously are now coming out.It makes me wonder why now and not prior to his apparent demise.


Thats the problem,they are all IMO feathering their nest at the expence of the public trust one way or another.

I cannot name anyone in public life that I would trust anymore.


Can anyone name a current Politician, for example that they think can be believed?


The older I get the more cynical I have become. :yp:

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All the people in power it has been said, were afraid to cross the Murdoch Empire in case they came under fire from him.

Surely if they had a clean conscience, as they should have,they would have nothing to fear.


Critics of Murdoch who said nothing previously are now coming out.It makes me wonder why now and not prior to his apparent demise.


Thats the problem,they are all IMO feathering their nest at the expence of the public trust one way or another.

I cannot name anyone in public life that I would trust anymore.


Can anyone name a current Politician, for example that they think can be believed?


The older I get the more cynical I have become. :yp:


I actually believe Dave.

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as they say nowt changes!! from corrupt to inept sort of sums it up, promotion for the aptly named bodge merchant.






opps looks like they have pulled the link? was it a bit premature?

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