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Pigeon Headbutt


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Me and my son set up for about 4 o-clock yesterday afternoon, nice breeze to our backs taking turns shooting I shot two he shot two just one gun in the hide, shot 12 and it was my turn I saw two comming toward me nice hight one just leading, bang wings folded I thought that was a good shot turned for the other just about to let it have the other barrel and thud the first one hit me on my head my son fell about laughing, after the initial shock I also found it funny but nursing a lump on my head. :lol::lol::lol:

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Had a duck do that a few years ago, I shot it, it dropped 100 feet and hit my mate full in the chest and sat him on his backside. Still remember watching him dancing one way then the other before it hit him dead centre, thought i was going to pull something laughing. Good days. You're sorely missed Steve old mate.........

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