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did a friendly mark your own card 50 birder today


no prizes just the satisfaction of seeing your name on the results


list next month, with the exception of the annual memorial shoot


where a small shield is up for grabs


so why are there some ***** who feel the need to cheat


what do they hope to achieve, who are they trying to impress?


are they the same idiots who try to intimidate scorers at prize shoots?


is this typical?


:good: :unsure: :blink: :oops:

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We had the very same discussion last week - people that buy £70 worth of entry score cards, who have a pocket full of multi coloured pens and who want to cheat to win a £5 trophy.


We came to the conclusion that:


1. you get cheats in everything

2. they are only cheating themselves


... and the shoot owner came to the conclusion that the extra money coming in would help buy more cheap trophies.


One of my old bosses packed in clay pigeon and went back to what he called "the real stuff" (quarry) - he said it was getting too ultra competitive - I am beginning to understand what he means.

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There's nothing wrong with wanting to compete - if you're concerned about others cheating then don't bother going to shoots where people are allowed to score their own cards.


Join the CPSA and shoot proper competitions with master score sheets on each stand and where the ref's are big and ugly enough to withstand intimidation.



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how dod those guys shoot and score their own cards at the same time :unsure:??


all the shoots i attend have a squad of 4 min 5 norm 6 max, whilst one shoots the others score comfirmed kills and mark cards acordingly, any disputing of birds is done before the shooter leaves the stand.


i understand there are those who find a way, but i only look at it as THEY ONLY CHEAT THEMSELVES :good:

we all know who they are .



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At our ground, score cards are handed over to the trapper / scorers before shooting starts, then completed and returned to the shooter when the stand has been shot.


The way you would cheat is to buy multiple entry cards and have a stash of different coloured pens etc. You then just forge your own card up.


There are subtler ways of doing it - for example, if you are weak at the Rabbit, then score up your spare card with the score you want and then use the rest of the card as normal.


A perfect 50 would result in a stewards enquiry and discussion between trappers / scorers. Most cheating goes on between 45 and 48.

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concerned about cheating?




bemused as to the depths some will stoop




cpsa member?




but still enjoy an informal / relaxed morning out supporting the local shoots


nothing wrong with wanting to compete


but come on we must have some faith in human nature


no scorers on these small shoots help keep the costs down


after all there is no financial gain to the winner


it's just that it never ceases to amaze me how important to some lowlifes


it must be to win

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I have never shot (other than to have some lessons) at a commercial ground but the CPSA comps I have been to watch are run really well.


If you were to come to the clay club I belong to your "FRIENDS" score your card, while other "FRIENDS" do the trapping. This can mean that if you are close to getting a good score the scorer and the other guns discuss how badly you are shooting, where your technique goes wrong, there is stratigic coughing etc and the odd clay manages to mysteriously turn upside down on the trap arm.


If you are unhappy, vote with your feet and wallet.


Regards, flytie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going to start sorting comp shooting this year and I'm a bit dismayed to hear that this goes on!


I have shot a lot of comp skeet, so I'm not totally niaive as to what can happen, but I will now be packing lots of "calm down" pills (imaginary, not real of course), as I hate cheating and gaesmanship in general.


Luckily for me, comp skeet shooting has taught me that all that counts is what happens when you call "pull", and nothing else.



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Pretty pathetic really.. :lol: ... when ever i go shooting i couldn't really give a damn as to what score i got, i do it for the enjoyment and the crack...I'm more likely to remember that difficult pair that i dusted.. :unsure:

Its all about enjoying the the occasion having fun with mates and personal best what a great sport.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not quite the same but almost,


At my local clay club yesterday the last squad to go round moved a cage and trap so "They could see the clays better"


The stand in question was a sim pair of battue and midi crossing left to right. It wasn't easy and you did not see them for long(you also had to shoot the bat edge on :no: ) The guy who runs the club took ten birds off everyone who shot in that squad.




The arguement and slanging match that kicked off was better than saturday night TV. I'm afraid the day I get that upset about shooting will be the day I give up.





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The organiser was quite right to penalise those that moved the cage, as it should be the same for everybody that shot the course.


It's a bit like a golfer digging himself a new hole on the green if he doesn't like the position of the flag..!!



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The organiser was quite right to penalise those that moved the cage, as it should be the same for everybody that shot the course.


It's a bit like a golfer digging himself a new hole on the green if he doesn't like the position of the flag..!!





bang on cat, the other issue that comes front and centre is safety, the range organiser has obviously set the cource to be shot from a safe standpoint, in veiw of that anyone moving a stand or gaurd in violation of cource safety should be penalised.



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It will be quite interesting to see what happens on the 7th which is when we shoot next. I agree about penalising them, if it had been me who was refereeing I would have binned their cards completely.





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Well shot matey, that's a damn good payout for a Pool shoot, where was it..??


I went to Kibworth today near Leicester, managed a 90, not bad, but again, could have been better..!!


Looking forward to the South East Regional Championship at Southdown later this month.



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What's a pool shoot when it's at home?


I shot another 40/50 today and counted 4 silly misses - the ones where you know the nano second before you pull the trigger that you will miss.


Anyways, I am not sure what the PWF "form" is like - I will find out in a week or two in Braintree, however, I have only been doing this for 3 months.

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a pool shoot oh mighty mungler is a re-entry shoot held alongside the main event


usually small only ten birds or so, or sometimes held as a larger flush for pairs or teams to shoot




it was a local charity shoot near Midhurst


if i gave you the exact location you'll come next year and rob me :lol::lol:

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shot a good score at the Federal 400 here may 27/28 , shoot 250 saturday then 150 sunday.

good shoot with great friends, i shot well and took H.O.A with a 356 x 400, this weekend we shot the P+D enterprise cup, drew 3rd overall, the ASCA is a great ***'n running here n Alberta, it puts on great shoot's all year round, you have to travel but thats what its all about right :good:




coming weekend in Carstirs for another 200 comp, cant get enough me :)




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