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The awesome power of the 22/250

deadeye ive

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Well for those that showed an interest in the relative threads here is one of the 22/250 eratic group shots .......In me homemade target holder :ermm::blush:


The distance was around 95 yds and the target holder is 300mm square ...........If my memory serves me correct I believe the next shot went about 6"s high and to the left .











Joking apart ,I hope you get the rifle sorted mate :good: ..........

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You should have drawn the grouping on the target Ive.


The .223 would have bounced off the frame don't ya think :ermm:


Tried a different scope tonight and still no better so at least thats something else ruled out.




I've actually got the target but it's ull of .17 hmr rds ..............I'll see what i can do

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Its weird thats for sure....It normally groups less than 1/4" at 100. So for it to be now shooting 6" groups something has to be amiss. The only thing wrong at the minute is the safety catch spring is missing but that shouldn't cause the erratic groups. It will get sorted one way or another thats for sure.

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The shots in the Low centre are .22lr at 95 yds ,my apologies :blush: smack in the centre are .17


Miffy after the second shot i can't remember so I guessed 3,4 & 5 but I know they were all to the left of zero mate as i was observing through my scope


A good .17 hmr group on the very top of the target though :good:

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Miffy, if you cant get it sorted, why not get a CZ 527 .223? :lol::blush::good:






The shots in the Low centre are .22lr at 95 yds ,my apologies :lol: smack in the centre are .17


Miffy after the second shot i can't remember so I guessed 3,4 & 5 but I know they were all to the left of zero mate as i was observing through my scope


A good .17 hmr group on the very top of the target though :lol:


:ermm: my .204 grouped like that with the 40 gr V.maxes when i use to have it :lol: , thank god i got rid of the thing. :lol:

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okay things i would check


scope (you have already done)


moderator if there is one (shoot without and with)


mounts, tighten, replace with old ones or ones off another gun known to be ok


The free floating or bedding of the barrel, has it changed?


the tightness of the action screws


the bedding area inside the stock


the crown on the barrel


i suppose other things to consider would be damage to the chamber or barrel

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The shots in the Low centre are .22lr at 95 yds ,my apologies :lol: smack in the centre are .17


Miffy after the second shot i can't remember so I guessed 3,4 & 5 but I know they were all to the left of zero mate as i was observing through my scope


A good .17 hmr group on the very top of the target though :lol:


Was that my .17 group or dougys' I can't remember :good:

That grouping is horrendous but it didnt shoot as bad that tonight.


I'm thinking about the CZ Frank :ermm::lol: but in .22/250 :blush:

i will take a pic of tonights grouping and you can see that its better than the zeroing session i did with Ive

I wonder if its just settling down from all the cleaning i gave it last week???


okay things i would check


scope (you have already done)


moderator if there is one (shoot without and with)


mounts, tighten, replace with old ones or ones off another gun known to be ok


The free floating or bedding of the barrel, has it changed?


the tightness of the action screws


the bedding area inside the stock


the crown on the barrel


i suppose other things to consider would be damage to the chamber or barrel


Everything there has been checked already. The riflesmith checked the throat of the barrel and said that there is very slight wear but it isn't bad enough to be of any concern

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I think you'll find it was your group Miffy ..........Dougy liked to shoot at drawing pins and black 5p sized patches remember ..........Although a few weeks ago he was ready for putting the barrel across a fence post such was his frustration ..........One visit to uncle Ives garage later and he's has happy has larry :blush::good:

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I wonder if its just settling down from all the cleaning i gave it last week???


Every time I clean my barrel with Butches bore shine and a bronze brush it takes only 5 shots to settle down to it's original zero .........In fact the first shot always goes low and 2-3" to the left .........I don't bother as much now as i feel i was over zealous before :blush:

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I think you'll find it was your group Miffy ..........Dougy liked to shoot at drawing pins and black 5p sized patches remember ..........Although a few weeks ago he was ready for putting the barrel across a fence post such was his frustration ..........One visit to uncle Ives garage later and he's has happy has larry :P:lol:




Well Ive as you say happy as larry. :P


Oh and i am sure that it was the HMR that did that drawing pin and not the 308 Miffy :P

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One visit to uncle Ives garage later and he's has happy has larry :D:)



Can uncle Ives garage repair my 250 :lol::P



could be worth a try... :P i think you just have to walk into the garage with it and give it a quick rub with a bit of sand paper get your ankle chewed by the Russle, growled at and thats it sorted. :eh:

Oh and finished off with a cup of tea... Jokin apart uncle Ive did put me on the rite road


Ive not sure if you posted the one when you missed the target :P made a nice neat hole in the swinger you made :lol:

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If the 22-250 is worn out, Better to live 2000 rounds as a Tiger than 5000 as a worm. Im sure you are looking forward to buying that cz .223 :lol:


Mine groups like that with 55 grain bullets because they dont stabilise in the 14" twist, its perfect with 40's and 50's though, have you per-chance got some ammo mixed up?


Im actually looking forward to wearing mine out, I'm having it made into a 6mm Dasher when it is. Still, keep on waiting I suppose while my 4000 fps Moly Coated bullets just shine that Sako Barrel.


The king is dead, Long live the king.



It's gonna be a .243 next for me.


I use 50 grain vmax as they grouped the best for me Not got any other Vmax heads in the cupboard so i can't have got them mixed up. Never had any trouble with it until i tried it at paper. Not lost or wounded any fox or rabbit either.


6mm Dasher.......... sounds interesting :P

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The shots in the Low centre are .22lr at 95 yds ,my apologies :drinks: smack in the centre are .17


Miffy after the second shot i can't remember so I guessed 3,4 & 5 but I know they were all to the left of zero mate as i was observing through my scope


looks fine to me, I would be happy with that :blush:

Edited by stuartp
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One visit to uncle Ives garage later and he's has happy has larry :yahoo::beer:



Can uncle Ives garage repair my 250 :P:blush:



Wished I could Miffy :lol:


The scope appears ok,Everthings tight ,Throat and crown are OK ..............Shame there is no one here local to you who has a 22/250 allowing you to try some alternative ammo has I can't think of anything else :drinks:

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Wished I could Miffy :drinks:


The scope appears ok,Everthings tight ,Throat and crown are OK ..............Shame there is no one here local to you who has a 22/250 allowing you to try some alternative ammo has I can't think of anything else :blush:


Oh well... its booked in for tuesday so i'll see what he has to say about it. Pity i can't get hold of a few rounds to try tho.


Speak soon Ive

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