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Venison Chilli


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After my mega session on the mincer yesterday I decided I should eat something based on Venison mince today. I've gone a bit off of the usual recipe but not too much, and it turned out that well I feel I should share it. So, the ingredients;


1 large onion (home grown)

1lb of finely minced venison

15 golf ball sized tomatoes (home grown but equal to about three tins)

One tin of green lentils

2tbsp veg oil

2tbsp Worcester sauce

2tbsp oregano

2tbsp cumin

2tsp chilli powder

2 cloves of garlic

1 Bhut Jolokia chilli finely chopped (these give quite a nice flavour but are very hot, use mild chillies if you prefer)

One beef stock cube

Salt and pepper

One sweetener tablet or 1tsp sugar (I use sweetener)




-Fry the onion in the oil until golden to light brown.

-Add the mince and brown.

-Add the Worcester sauce, oregano, cumin, chilli powder, garlic, chopped chilli, stock cube, salt and pepper and the sweetener/sugar and fry for another couple of minutes. Stir constantly over a low heat to mix well and prevent burning.

-Add the tomatoes and simmer until reduced by half (about an hour and a half without a lid on the pan). If using tinned tomatoes reduce until thick and little wet sauce comes to the top when you stop stirring.

-Add the lentils and cook for a further ten minutes.


Serve on pasta, or on rice if you prefer.


Serves four healthy portions, or me when I'm hungry! :lol:

Edited by njc110381
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