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Ess first working dog


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The points highlighted are the very reason to select pups that have some history of working. Entering water, soft mouth, quiet worker,gun shyness also, all things good to know about the pups family background, all very very important in a working dog, all things I would rather know about before making the massive commitment that is, training a soon to be,working spaniel. Why wait eight months to find out your dog has inherited a hard mouth or gun shyness when with a little bit of carefull planning and preperation you can reduce the risk by buying from known working or trailing stock.


The OP says non workers so the last part of you post highlighted suggesting 'not to be concerned' if the pup is from 'casual shooting stock' does not apply, he has said the pup will be from non working stock.


And under the circumstances that non of the dogs in the pedigree ever worked at all- wouldn't touch it with a long stick :yes:

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You are quite correct hitfreshairagain, Frank Sinatras dad was a **** singer. Frank Sinatras gt grandfather on the other hand, was an exceptionally good singer, better than old blue eyes in many peoples opinion. The fact he wasn't backed by the mafia like his gt grandson probably held him back.

Just proves once again, attention to detail when researching, and give yourself the best chance by studying the background. Now, if you were to guess on the son of Frank Sinatra being as good a singer as say...Frank Spencers son, who would you take a gamble on?


Edited by hitfreshairagain
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