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L200 (03) inner CV boot split


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from memory undo the hub and ball joint etc to get the driveshaft free then the cv joint is a knock on / off type then you are all set to replace the inner boot, well worth doing the outer as well while its apart. Can't think of any special tools needed surprised me how easy it was once you had the shaft free

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Copied from L200 owners club because it's easier than typing it myself:


Pretty much remove hub and calliper and pop top ball joint. Should then be able to move the driveshaft from the upright. Think the drivers side unbolts easily from just inside the innner cv. I couldn't work out how to remove the passenger one so just split the joint and replaced the boot in situ.


From memory there's a clip that holds these in somewhere...


Found you this too:


Jack up front of vehicle and support on axle stands

Remove road wheel

Remove brake caliper and tie out of way (14mm spanner)

Remove track rod end ball joint from hub (19mm socket and splitter)

Remove 4 bottom ball joint bolts and the silly side bolt in the ball joint (17mm socket and spanner)

Remove top ball joint 3 bolts from wishbone (12mm socket and spanner)

Seperate all the above and pull out driveshaft and hub assembly (a good tug required due to spring clip on inner CV spline)

Side back/cut off inner CV boot and remove big spring clip just inside the CV housing (easily removed with a screwdriver as a lever)

Slide CV out of housing

Remove circlip on back of CV and slide off the driveshaft (internal circlip pliers)

Remove old CV boots and wipe away old grease

Slide on new CV boots

Apply grease into CV boots

Clip CV boots to CV and driveshaft (if using metal clips provided use joiners pincers to squeeze the lug up)

Refitting is the reversal of removal but you swear in different places Cheesy



Tools required once wheel is removed:


12mm, 14mm, 17mm spanners

12mm, 17mm, 19mm sockets

Internal circlip pliers

Joiners pincers

Dull blow/copper hammer

Balljoint seperator

Flat blade screwdriver

Stanley knife (if cutting old CV boots off)

Side arm cutters


Liquid spanner/easing spray for any seized nuts/bolts

Plenty of rags/blueroll for wiping down stuff



Really easy to do and only took me an hour to do each side with 4 new boots.


Shame that I had to sell my truck really. I almost miss it.


Good luck!

Edited by Dorsey
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Thanks Dorsey - only prob I didn't see your post untill after I washed my hands (my fault) :unsure:


On Milners they say inner/outer CV boot but the outer fits into a rim so when I tried to fit one I couldn't get the clip to hold, didn't want to risk it, so refitted the old outer one as it was ok and just replaced the inner one this time(I just love spending Sundays under my truck :oops: )


I must have followed most of the instructions, I wound out the torsion bar load - made it much easier to refit ball joints. I ordered up a 19mm clamp type ball splitter - for the steering joint and a Sealey 28mm ball joint splitter for the upper lower joints. The lower one was using the clamp with the centre bolt but with the upper joint I fitted a smaller nut/bolt inside the clamp as it's obstructed by the drive shaft.


Yep all now ok - next time it will be alot quicker, only needed the ball splitters as I didn't want to damage their rubbers so I could reuse them. I wound up the front on my L200 so the boots have a harder time.


could have filled up the swear box when I found the inner boot wouldn't fit the outer, so will order a pair up for next spring :good:


Thanks again

Edited by Conygree
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