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Blackberry, apple and cinnamon chutney


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Just got this off the net and used up the last of my apples - have just put it into jars and tried a bit on some chicken I had in the fridge - YUMMY !!!


-1Kg/2.2lb apples, pref Bramley, (but I have used the remainder off three different trees)

-300g/10-1/2 oz onions, peeled and thinly sliced,

-275g/10oz sugar,

-150ml/5fl oz Balsamic Vinegar

-2tsp ground cinnamon,

-ground black pepper to taste,

-300g/10 1/2 oz blackberries


Put everything except the blackberries into a large saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring regularly. Once boiling reduce heat and simmer for about 45-55 mins or longer if needed, until the apples and onions are nice and soft and the liquid is thick and syrupy. Add the blackberries and cook for another 10-12 mins. Put the chutney into sealable sterilised jars and store in a dark place. Should last for about 3 1/2 months.

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