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A trip to Shepp Whites marsh yesterday


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I remember a few years ago a guy called Martin always had a van in the car park at Sheps, (that's before the barriers were put up), we would very often walk off to the smell of a full English breakfast.


Nice offer Craig, let me know when you're cooking and I will bring the Sausages & Bacon :good:

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I will check the tide tables but it depends what day you can make it and what marsh you want to shoot. Weekends is best for me if youre allowed out :D :D



:blush: You have caught me out :blush:


Sort a date and I will see if I can get, but the pheasant syndicate is Saturdays but its what suits more than just me, I think a fair few folks would be up for it if it was put in the meet up section, as long as those not in clubs could get a "day permit" as I dont know how long these things take to get.





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I could sort the day tickets without any problems, but historically people have let me down in the past !!! Let's start with members only. I should be able to get time off mid December on a week day.



Anyone else interested ?


edited to say what about 15th December ? 6.8m @ 08.46


any other offers?

Edited by harrycatcat1
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