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Hi chaps i dont what to step on any bodys foot or try to insult any one .

I would just like to know the plus side to having a fac air rifle .Is it easyer to get an air rifle fac.

what are the rules with paths and roads are they the same .

is their diffrent classes of certificate .

Could you shoot an fac air rifle as far as a 22 rifle say round the 100 m mark and still kill say a fox.

I have owned air rifles when i was younger, i have allso shot full bore rifles ( up to some silly calibres 12.7 ) so i am very intrested in any coments. where i shoot it would not be possible to yous a full bore rifle so could an air rifle be the anser for fox's? thanks :)

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the advantage would be the increased range and power.

it also is not as restricted with the shots you can take, like with a normal air rifle i would not shoot a rabbit in the heart /lungs yet with my fac i would feel more confident in ensuring a kill, also with pigeon it does not matter were you hit them they will drop as the pellet will easily pass through the crop or breast of a bird


the rules are as far as i know the same that applies to all other rifles


no i would not shoot foxes out at 100 yrds with it the first problem would be hitting it as the pellet would have dropped about 2 foot by then the second there would not be enough power left in the pellet to kill it .i would not shoot foxes past 45yrds with mine.

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yur fac will be no more or less easy to get and the land on which you want to shoot it will probably have to be inspected if it isnt passed for anyting at the moment.As has allready een said i persionally wouldnt shot a fox at 100ds with a rimfire let alone fac air gun,they have to be very close for me to consider it wth a rimmy

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Thanks guys

that clears up one or two of my thoughts, so realy if i have a path crossing my land their is not much chance at geting a licence for ether ;) what sort of range are we talking for a cleen kill say on a rabbit ? I was looking at the new ruger the other day well you can only dreem :*) cheers

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what sort of range are we talking for a cleen kill say on a rabbit


with my FAC you could kill a rabbit at 55yrds headshot

with a 22lr you are probably looking out to 200yrds but you would have to be a good shot

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If there is a path running across the land you have there is not much chance if this is your first application. Have you not got anywhere else with more suitable backstops etc. It is down to the person inspecting to make thier decision as to suitablility. Do you know of anywhere that has been passed for 22lr ? Be much easier to get that from the start.


As regards a clean kill, that will involve a head shot. The maximum range I would try for a head shot is 80 yards with my 22lr. But if you are just into rabbit clearance and have no thoughts for their suffering , name your range.


I think I have expressed my views in another topic on Ruger 22's. In my experience ,and others, I would steer clear of Ruger 22's unless you are going to get every bit taken off the gun and replaced with the latest super dooper additions, i.e. barrel, trigger etc.


If you want a bog standard 22lr that will do the job from the outset....buy a BRNO.


Thats my two pennorth worth.

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The maximum range I would try for a head shot is 80 yards with my 22lr.


this is about maximum i would shoot them at but my dad will quite easily shoot them at 140yrds head shots. i said 200yrds as i have heard people shooting at this range regulary after rabbits and as i said you would have to be a good shot to try at this range.

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Depends on your gun and ammunition.


I use Winchester subsonics.They will do me out to 80 yards. With my ammunition I know I will get a group of 1 1/2" at 80 yards. That is a head shot. Not wishing to argue what your mates say but at 200 yards you are talking about a 22lr that will do at least 1" group at 100 yards. That must be some 22 if it can do that .


But as I said , if you are purely interested in rabbit clearance only, name your range.


That is where I got the nickname "Sniper " from a few years ago.


An ex soldier saw me shoot a rabbit about 130 yards away with my 22.


He said " Bloody hell mate ...you should have been a sniper." It stuck.

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