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im due to buy a shot gun and have been offered a manufrance 3 shot pump action can anyone tell me if they are anygood :/ its going for £150 its a 12gauge ill be using it with my ferret to bolt rabbits will it be a good buy ?? or better getting a o/u ??or a semi auto ? thanks to anyone who can help me with my dilemer :good::no:

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i dont know the particular make but in general pump actions loose value v fast and they are very hard to sell on. For £150 i would imagine you could get a quite modern pump action 2nd hand.


Take a look around on www.guntrader.co.uk

thank for that m8 will do :good:

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im due to buy a shot gun and have been offered a manufrance 3 shot pump action can anyone tell me if they are anygood :/ its going for £150 its a 12gauge ill be using it with my ferret to bolt rabbits will it be a good buy ?? or better getting a o/u ??or a semi auto ? thanks to anyone who can help me with my dilemer :good::no:

mark my local gun shop is selling a 3 shot semi auto for the small tag of 280 pound sterling and this gun has a three year warantty its called an escort think it made in turky. so im gona try one on the pigeons oh and it is multi choke and has a sinthetic stock i think this has 2 be value for money if its not the lada of all guns

cheers kirky

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I'd go for anything but a pump if you are dealing with bolting rabbits. You almost always need the option for a quick follow-up shot. No matter what people say, pumps are not speedy guns to shoot. And in the heat of the moment I sometimes forgot to cycle the action.


I bought a Remington pump-action for about £170 on Guntrader last year, and sold it this year for the same price. It was a great tool for wildfowling, as it was wonderfully reliable. However it was useless in every other situation. The chap who bought it off me was converting it to an 8-shot FAC gun for Practical Shotgun competitions.


For your budget I would try for either a cheap semi-auto or something like an AYA side-by-side. Or an OU, if you come across a good bargain.

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pump action shot guns are nice guns, but you lose money on them fast, go for a semi auto.

well thanks for your advice chaps went out today and bought a bikal o/u in exxellent cond paid £120 and a single barrel for the lad cant wait now to get out and give em a go :good:??? :(

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