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Gypsy Blood:True Stories

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No thanks! I would rather watch paint dry!!!!


Just another program making excuses for their behaviour! What ever next? Make celebs out of Terrorists?


Question time with Abu Hamza


I for one will be giving it a wide berth. The adverts for it were bad enough. Young Children running over the field with a Deer. Parents teaching their kids to knock each others blocks off? Some Society.

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Entirely up to the individual of course,but if you want TV companies to commission programmes such as this,then by all means watch it.Big viewing figures of **** programmes such as this make them a success,and turn the featured people into celebrities...hence that numpty who featured on 'big fat gypsy ****',and then went onto 'big brother'.Don't we subsidise enough clowns without indirectly subsidising his income by elevating him to the status of 'celebrity'?

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Im sick of all the gypsie loving going on at the minute if people behave like that who own houses and work for a living they are called thugs if gypsies act like it there a misunderstood community and the victims of prejudice.


They make them out to be devout Catholics who bring there kids up by strict catholic principles my aris, there thieving thugs with no place in society, the police are scared of them its a joke.

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Dont bother with it . Just another way of trying to make their lifestyle look normal and acceptable . Same as homosexuality , enough celebs come out as being homos and it starts to look normal instead of being in the closet where it belongs .


Harnser .

:lol: :lol: damn right and all!

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There is a travellers site in gainsborough where i live, paid for by tax's with shower blocks, toilets, electricity all for free. There only meant to stay 4 weeks but they've all been there years apparently. living off us tax payers through the day and thieving off us at night, there nothing but vermin and the government need to get tough and get rid of them. why aren't the inland revenue after all them tax dodging ********

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I wonder if the RSPCA have been round to start legal proceedings/equireies about the kids and the death of the deer and also harrasment from PETA and LACS and an offical police investigation. As this would be just the start of what some of us leagal shooters / feild sportsmen get subjected to even when we are obaying the law and acting within guidlines etc.


one rule for one and another for the others.


Shame the deer didnt seriously hurt the child and teach it a lesson ! :good:


Dont hang back Harnesser say what you feel ! :lol::good:

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Dont bother with it . Just another way of trying to make their lifestyle look normal and acceptable . Same as homosexuality , enough celebs come out as being homos and it starts to look normal instead of being in the closet where it belongs .


Harnser .


Bit harsh, people can't help thier sexuality and why should they keep it hidden?


Would you appreciate being told you couldn't hold your girls hand because it may offend people?


Not gay by the way, just want people treated equally although camp gays grip my ****!!

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Bit harsh, people can't help thier sexuality and why should they keep it hidden?


Would you appreciate being told you couldn't hold your girls hand because it may offend people?


Not gay by the way, just want people treated equally although camp gays grip my ****!!


What consenting adults do in their bedroom is their business . But please dont try to tell me that it is normal, it is not . And please do not try to teach my grand children in school that it is normal and acceptable , in my book its not its a perversion . What a shame that old morals and values have declined into what we are prepared to accept now a days . They used to be known as Nancy boys . To be called a Nancy boy then was about the biggest insult you could give . I expect its now a compliment in certain parts of the community .


Harnser .

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If someone wants to lift someone elses shirt or help them with a bit of uphill gardening then thats their business.


But I dont understand this sudden interest in programs about ****** on the telly. Its portraying them in a magic wonderful light. What they should do is show them more accurately ripping up man holes, cabling and dealing in scrap etc...

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What consenting adults do in their bedroom is their business . But please dont try to tell me that it is normal, it is not . And please do not try to teach my grand children in school that it is normal and acceptable , in my book its not its a perversion . What a shame that old morals and values have declined into what we are prepared to accept now a days . They used to be known as Nancy boys . To be called a Nancy boy then was about the biggest insult you could give . I expect its now a compliment in certain parts of the community .


Harnser .


Wow, where did you park your penny farthing? I expect you're outraged at woman wearing trousers too?!

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Wow, where did you park your penny farthing? I expect you're outraged at woman wearing trousers too?!



I come from an era when men were men and women were glad of it . Now a days it difficult to tell whos who .


Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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I come from an era when men were men and women were glad of it . Now a days it difficult to tell whos who .


Harnser .


There is nothing modern about homosexuality. A quick read of something like The Symposium by Plato is all you need to realise that.


In order to improve, society needs tolerance, not judgmental attitudes.

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I come from an era when men were men and women were glad of it . Now a days it difficult to tell whos who .


Harnser .


Understood, I guess the last few decades of decadence don't sit right with you. I respect your views on homosexuality but even as a very conservative person I feel its not fair to brand them all as 'nancy boys'. They don't choose to fancy blokes, they are not all paedophiles and they most certainly do not fancy every man in the room in the same way as you wouldn't fancy every woman in a room. Some choose to be very openly camp and pink but a fair few are normal everyday guys, just with different bedroom preferences.


Prime example of an ordinary bloke: Gareth Thomas.... Would you call him a nancy boy?

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There is nothing modern about homosexuality. A quick read of something like The Symposium by Plato is all you need to realise that.


In order to improve, society needs tolerance, not judgmental attitudes.


To improve society we need some proper politicions who are able to command the respect of the electorate and some proper judges who know how to sentence criminals to proper prison sentences and we need to bring back hanging ,not just for murder but also for sheep stealing and adultery .


Harnser .

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Understood, I guess the last few decades of decadence don't sit right with you. I respect your views on homosexuality but even as a very conservative person I feel its not fair to brand them all as 'nancy boys'. They don't choose to fancy blokes, they are not all paedophiles and they most certainly do not fancy every man in the room in the same way as you wouldn't fancy every woman in a room. Some choose to be very openly camp and pink but a fair few are normal everyday guys, just with different bedroom preferences.


Prime example of an ordinary bloke: Gareth Thomas.... Would you call him a nancy boy?


I understand what you are saying and I have no objections to what ever people need to do in the privacy of their own homes ,but please do not try to tell me that it is normal and do not try to tell my grand chilldren at the age of 8 years old that being gay is a normal thing .


Harnser .

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