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Gypsy Blood:True Stories

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must admit me and the mrs started to watch it but turned it off as i can't stand the freeloading scumbags!!! i think once the cock fighting came on sealed it for the mrs but i was already seething at the way they were glorifying the kids fighting anyone else remember the cage fighting thing at a social club in Lacashire being on the news?? and the hail of brown stuff hitting the fan as a result? like some one said earlier i bet the old bill and social services dont bat an eye lid at this neither will the RSPCA or the animal rights loonies who think its fine to vandalise anglers cars at fisheries but won't think about having a pop at ****** due the fair chance of getting their lilly livered liberal ***** kicked!!! in many ways i agree with hanser the fabric of society is slowly unravelling and there is a distinct lack of respect and morals in society now a days but to be honest where one decides to park ya kazoo is up to you but please dont be flaunting your choice in my company as i am not interested

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This program was always going to be a load of p*** these programs only get made because a huge amount of viewers will be drawn to it! Its simple really, avoid watching the **** and hope others do likewise and these lawbreaking clowns will not be given the limelight they certainly aint enitiled too! Oh and no I didn't waste my time watching it!


As for some of the homophobics on here *** guys! yes you are entitled to your opinion but come on, is there any need to highlight to everyone on the forum that you are a caveman??? I would really love to see how you would handle your own daughter/son granddaughter/grandson telling you that "I'm gay" what would you do then? cast them out of your lives forever for being different to you? Oh wait come to think of it I am sure your kids/grandkids would NEVER be gay right?? very sad folks!

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i am not being homophobic as i said before what ya get upto in private is up to you but one thing that gets my back up is things that were seen as socially unacceptable are now seen as the norm! being homosexual was illegal not so many years ago but now people can be openly gay and kiss in public whats next open displays of paedophilic tendancies!! shocking i know but lets face it being gay was some thing that rcoked society to its core only recently!! its like i say the gradual degrading of public decency and morals really does worry me

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just think programs like this should not be gloryfying people openly breaking the law as it does not set a good precedent ie cock fighting and scenes of assualt like i said there was an outcry over well organised cage fighting with kids on the news a few months ago but the rspca and soical services wont bat an eye lid over this


i am sure if you or i were filmed for tv breaking the law i am pretty sure that the long arm of the law would soon be approaching the door bell :)

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beeredup my reply was based on your response at 0639hr so why do you now reply about the program? ;) I too am against the travellers getting away with breaking the law, it is wrong and they should be dealt with as we would be, but yours and others comments about homosexuals make you look like dinasaurs lol

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i waited till 064ish this morning to comment as its a tad difficult to post while i am asleep or am i so out of touch with the modern world i have missed a way of virtually uploading my thoughts to the t'internet while i snooze??


i am no dinosaur and i have no problem with people being gay and as i said its up to you where ya wanna stick ya kazoo but surely its my personal choice not to have to like the idea? or has that right been removed from the country

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isnt channel 4 liable to be charged with attending a ileagal hare courseing meet deer courseing chicken fights and fist fights .i thought anyone at these meetings TV crew or not were liable as they knew what they were going there to film in the first place .and if the truth was realy known the TV crew proberly begged them to take them courseing etc :hmm:

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####s shot my sister with a shotgun, friends have been thrown in the lake and had fishing gear nicked, friend walked near a #### site on way home from work when his car broke down and got beat up and mugged, you see them bombing up and down dodgy vans full of "scrap" like psychopaths occasionally crashing into other people then legging it. Now we have shows where they are actually shown doing illegal things but never how they "earn" their money. I just think the TV companies must be getting off on winding people up.

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- Killing a deer with dogs,

- Cock fighting,

- Hare coursing,

- Carrying an uncovered air rifle in a public place,

- Armed trespass (presumably),

- Underage driving,

- Death threats, including death threats to children.


I'm sure the RSPCA, Police and social services will be coming down on them like a ton of bricks(!) <_<


Anyone going to waste some of their time emailing CH4/RSPCA etc??

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- Killing a deer with dogs,

- Cock fighting,

- Hare coursing,

- Carrying an uncovered air rifle in a public place,

- Armed trespass (presumably),

- Underage driving,

- Death threats, including death threats to children.


I'm sure the RSPCA, Police and social services will be coming down on them like a ton of bricks(!) <_<


Anyone going to waste some of their time emailing CH4/RSPCA etc??


Your right mate but unfortunately I don't think anything will be done!

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I didn't watch it as I knew I'd just get annoyed,but had a good laugh with a couple of workmates who watched it and came to work seething,but none of them are prepared to complain about it to those in positions of authority,so they've got away with it.

Wonder what the publics reaction would be if jeremy Clarkson had done all those things those ****** had done,eh? :hmm: I wonder.

Know a local man who bettered that Docherty;good to watch! :good:

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I watched a small portion of it but then decided its just more scum life voyeurism..however did see a few illegal acts being carried out on film..that's all the evidence we need , no one is above the law so if the RSPCA,Police etc ain't got the balls to back up our UK laws..send in the army.... no one is above the law and we should let them know it .

Next question..why have those scrounging bas stools got a better caravan than me ...take them to auction to pay for the arrest costs

Its well overdue that this country started to pat the law abiding good folk on the back and started to show the lesser celebrity scum having their ar5es kicked into touch...sod human right just get the job done..errors and omissions are accepted

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One more point...find out who the film crew were and have them arrested for aiding and abetting a crime and encouraging criminal activity as well as failure to report a crime.



987654321....nan did'nt work still hate them :rolleyes:

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Your right mate but unfortunately I don't think anything will be done!


why would you bother to watch somethink to only

get your self riled up? beats me, and to even take the time

to report it, what would be the odds of your email being taken

any further, if they thurt thay"d be prosequted they woulding bother

airing it in the first place would they :hmm: odds is

the jacks would be up on there caravans and theyd be off in the morning

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This programme was destined to cause controversy, what is more important though is the consolidated thoughts people have posted here.


All the laws that were broken showed the individuals for what they really are and if this film footage is not enough to convict them then why have so many other people been convicted on the dubious poor quality CCTV.


I think Channel 4 should be held responsible for this documentry and trialed and punished along with the scumbags featured.


I for one am now writing e-mails of disgust to RSPCA, HOME OFFICE, CHANNEL 4 and BROADCASTING COMPLAINTS DEPT.


I hope most of you on here will follow suit!! :mad:

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