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Hunting with Dogs

Guest flightline

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Guest flightline

The Countryside Alliance has organised a write-in lobby of Peers for when the Bill to ban hunting is considered by the House of Lords. You can get the addresses of peers local to you from the CA site and also tips about what to say:




Happy writing! Let`s do something more to help hunting and ourselves as well.


This is copied from general banter but that`s maybe not the right place as it got little attention there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest flightline
forget that . Here's a website on how to really change things......



the rural army

Well, with the greatest respect berettaboy, this is like asking anti-racists to be entryists in the Nazi party in order to stop `em. It just does not work like that. Do you think for one moment that Blair takes the slight est notice of the views of his party members?:beer:;) B) :wacko: :D:D :o :P:D:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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To turn the question round. Do you think the peers in the Lords give a toss what we think? No the only thing that make politicians take any notice is the threat of the loss of power and privilege.



What does it work like then?

Take my local labour part membership (York) they have a membership of say 1000 members. Now each general election the members select who they want to fight the seat for them (one member one vote). So if we get over 1000 members and put a candidate up ourselves (one who supports hunting) get him selected....easy. We don’t realty care if he’s elected or not by the general public. We will have helped destroy Labours chances of re-election.


What's the 'Nazi Party' or did you live in Germany in the 30's?

In any case exactly the same tactics have been used by the animal rights extremists to infiltrate the RSPCA.

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Guest flightline

berretaboy, the Labour Party would just shut the local party down and impose their own candidate on the constituency. I think you`ll find that the Lords will throw out the anti-hunting bill on the grounds of indidvidual liberty. So they do care what people think. The issue is to create such a big stink that the Govt. won`t dare use the Parliament Act to overturn the Lords vote and enact the legislation. Of course the Lords is only part of the answer-we need a really massive set of marches etc which at times will inconvenience people. But the thought of giving Labour a membership fee sticks in my craw. And to do it in order to help the selection of a pro-hunting candidate is just a fantasy I`m afraid.

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