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Bad batch of Hull 65mm 28g 7.5's


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Here is an odd one,


went shooting skeet last night with my trusty Beretta, whipped out my Hulls that I have only just started using but have used half of a batch of 500.


1st stand 4/4

2nd stand bottom barrel fires top does not.

hmmm, odd, try again on the pair, some thing again


began to think service or repair!


3rd stand, both barrles work, then the pair and only the bottom works again, realise the selector has not moved across, do it manually and manage to discharge.


Change gun and guess what! same inconcsistency


This leads me to one conclusion, duff cartridges, after I realised this was probably the cause I noticed the usual bang was more af a "thut!".


Any body ever had a duff batch of cartridges, it's the first time I have encountered it.


DB :drinks:

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I use various Hull cartridges and have never had a problem. I did have a series of problems with Gamebore a few years ago.


I suggest that you contact Hull directly. They will probably send you a voucher for some replacement cartridges and request that you return them to the supplying dealer. Chech the batch number and ensure that the replacements are not from the same batch.



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Although I am Beretta through and through, I fear that if the cartridges arte from different batches, it is more likley to be the gun rather than the cartridge. Can I suggest that you give a box to a friend to fire in his gun, obviously, if the problem persists then it is the cartrigdes, if not its the gun.



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Thanks for all the tips.


Shot a box of 25 from a different box of 250 and they are fine, definitely the cartridges!


As for a Browning.......well I considered it once but having dealt with Rusty MG B's, I learnt my lesson :good: ........


Only buy stuff made of good metal that won't corrode at the hint of moisture. Furthermore lets face it what is Belgian good at that would support them as gun makers?.......Lace, Waffles and mindless bureaucracy in the name of the EU.....oh sorry forgive me most of their guns are Japanese! I REST MY CASE!!! :lol:

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Thanks for all the tips.


Shot a box of 25 from a different box of 250 and they are fine, definitely the cartridges!


As for a Browning.......well I considered it once but having dealt with Rusty MG B's, I learnt my lesson :good: ........


Only buy stuff made of good metal that won't corrode at the hint of moisture. Furthermore lets face it what is Belgian good at that would support them as gun makers?.......Lace, Waffles and mindless bureaucracy in the name of the EU.....oh sorry forgive me most of their guns are Japanese! I REST MY CASE!!! :lol:








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Here is an odd one,


went shooting skeet last night with my trusty Beretta, whipped out my Hulls that I have only just started using but have used half of a batch of 500.


1st stand 4/4

2nd stand bottom barrel fires top does not.

hmmm, odd, try again on the pair, some thing again


began to think service or repair!


3rd stand, both barrles work, then the pair and only the bottom works again, realise the selector has not moved across, do it manually and manage to discharge.


Change gun and guess what! same inconcsistency


This leads me to one conclusion, duff cartridges, after I realised this was probably the cause I noticed the usual bang was more af a "thut!".


Any body ever had a duff batch of cartridges, it's the first time I have encountered it.


DB :lol:


Dont want to sound dumb.. but are you sure you didnt buy a batch of subsonic Hulls? these are quiet, less recoil etc for use in moderated shotguns

Dont kick me if I sound dumb :good:

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No you don't sound Dumb but they are most definately Sonic! they were the Competition load




Here is an odd one,


went shooting skeet last night with my trusty Beretta, whipped out my Hulls that I have only just started using but have used half of a batch of 500.


1st stand 4/4

2nd stand bottom barrel fires top does not.

hmmm, odd, try again on the pair, some thing again


began to think service or repair!


3rd stand, both barrles work, then the pair and only the bottom works again, realise the selector has not moved across, do it manually and manage to discharge.


Change gun and guess what! same inconcsistency


This leads me to one conclusion, duff cartridges, after I realised this was probably the cause I noticed the usual bang was more af a "thut!".


Any body ever had a duff batch of cartridges, it's the first time I have encountered it.


DB :good:


Dont want to sound dumb.. but are you sure you didnt buy a batch of subsonic Hulls? these are quiet, less recoil etc for use in moderated shotguns

Dont kick me if I sound dumb :good:

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I found exactly the same a few years ago. I ceased using Gamebore in protest, and refused to have them in the car. This led to my shooting pal also changing. I appreciate that the protest will have zero effect on Gamebore, but sometimes principles matter.



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Yes. did have a problem with Express years ago some boxes only had 21 cartridges in them. i spoke to Expresss and they gave me 250 for free and said it was a machine fault. I have had odd miss fires but nothing like you have experienced. I would speake to Hull cartridge co and see what they have to say. :good:

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