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you know what … its not often i promote something .. but this is something i support fully .Pass-it-on .. if you get chance have a look because its all about educating the kids of today and giving them something to believe in that ain't sat in front a TV or running around the streets in gangs,stealing for fun or anything else for that matter …. THIS IS A NON-PORFIT ORGANISATION !!! Just give it a few minutes of your time and support it if you can . To join is the bare minimum fee .. if i remember rightly its £10 for single membership and £20 for a family membership … thats a year !!!! even if you don't use it so what!! . Im intent on helping rob to bring this to the london area .. well actually the south east and to attend one event would cost you more than that alone . a lesson with a shooting coach is £40 per hr + .. i pay £50 pr hr myself so whats £10 or £20 per year ? and its not just shooting. even if a family goes to one event a year its worth it … and you won't get a better day out for the money.

Also if anyone else want to help to bring this to the south east (or in any area that isn't covered) then PLEASE PLEASE pm me . As I've said i truly believe in this and think its worth its weight in gold … What better way than to promote our passion , our sports than educating the young.

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well theres nothing at the minute but my intention is to help / try to help to bring it to the south east .. the way i see it is the more promotion it gets .. the better chance it has and everyone anywhere will be able to attend some days. I joined because i believe in what they are trying to do (and i know what its like trying to do something non-funded - las shooting team for example) so hopefully some people with some knowledge to give (rabbiting with nets,clay pigeon,wild fowling or anything else for that matter) will offer to help to bring a day to the south east. Hence why i posted it here m8.

Edited by jinxy72
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it is a worthy cause m8 …. that's why I'm backing it :good: everyone like the cpsa , basc and other organisations go on about promoting shooting and try and get young shooters through the ranks , get women through the ranks …. but what are they doing about it ? the odd day here and there ? aint really gonna change much is it . I think its about time one of the bigger organisations got behind what pass-it-on and what they are doing …and at least give some promotional help or something

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