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, but no Seen any ?


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This week I have been out looking for pigeons, not very successfully. :angry:


There have been a few ones and twos flying around ,almost aimlessly, but no serious activity on any crops or potential decoying set-ups.


A walk round the woods scared a few from the trees, but not enough to make it worthwhile.


Is it just this area?

Is it the weather ?

Or is it because June & July are lousy pigeon months ? :angry:

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I,ve just noticed the heading of this topic.

It should read "Seen any?", I don,t know where the rest of it came from.   :angry:


Deako, we don,t have a lot of barley around here, my best bet will be laid wheat and harvested rape.


Craigie, Work ? Oh yes, I remember that. :angry:

Its not much fun having the time, but not the pigeons.

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Just a thought but try to get on some grass fields that have just been harvested for silage (I dont know how its spelt! They sort of cut up all the grass in a field then bail it up for the cows)

I was sitting in the tractor with dad watching them eat up the worms that had just hit the serface I got 6 just shooting out the window but there was almost a constant flight line going over, perhaps the are wize to the machines now.

Theres still tones off rooks about on some bean field I know.


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Big Dave, there were certainly some out on the clover, but I do not have permission to shoot there.

I must try to get some more varied shooting land.


I think they are mostly in the woods, but with the leaf cover it is difficult to see them.


But, I can wait.......with age comes patience.  :angry:

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