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long range shooting


maximum distance poll  

108 members have voted

  1. 1. maximum distance for live quarry with a sub 12 ft/lb air rifle.

    • under 30 yards
    • 30 yards
    • 40 yards
    • 50 yards
    • 60 yards
    • 70 yards
    • 80 yards and over
    • and for any Walts, over 200 yards, blindfolded.

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There's been a very interesting thread about shooting air rifles at long ranges, and I thought it would be interesting to find out what other peoples maximum hunting distance is.


So, what would you consider is you absolute limit with a sub 12 ft/lb air rifle on live quarry and assuming perfect conditions?


I have taken longer shots in the past, but my absolute limit now is 50 yards. What's yours?

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Working now with a range finder 50 yards and with out what i estimate to be 50 yard but as with any estimation over different terains some times that could be 5 yards either way out being honest. I have seen over 50 yards done on bunnys with head shots a few times but am not that cofident with my shooting abilites. :good:

With airguns wind and weather are going to be 2 big factors aswell as how steady you are. This is with a .177 if i were using .22 (both sub 12fpe) it would be 40 yards max because of it trajectory ! :good:

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prior to getting my FAC, and using a springer for years, my limit would be circa 40 yards. Even to this range with a sub 12fpe air rifle shot placement must be spot on - there is no room for error.


I have now got fac air @ 40fpe, zeroed at 50 mtrs, happy to go out to about 65 max, but the trajectory is still fairly loopy. this is more to do with my comfort zone than the power - I just prefer to use to .22LR or the .17HMR.


one 'side effect' of getting a FAC is perhaps being more realistic about the usable range of sub 12fpe, it still has a place in the cabinet -but i dont need to try and push the range.


On a side note - it would be interesting to do some bench testing on rabbit heads over various measured ranges with a sub 12fpe air to try and get a real handle on 'maximum' lethal range on a bunny. yes it would be in almost lab conditions - but would give some idea of absolute maximum range.


I might start stock piling rabbit heads to do this with :good:

i know a man with an AA410 to help too.. :yes:

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I shoot .22 HW100 almost daily and can put 10 shots at 25yds in a 5p circle I have in the past dropped rabbits cleanly at ranges upto 55yds but this is not the norm.


My biggest issue with people taking long shots is mainly with the .22 as the trajectory depending on pellet can be so diverse over different distances.


A .177 has a much flatter trajectory so probably more suseptible to wind speeds/directions.


So to cap it off in a nutshell unless you are 100% confident with you ability don't take the shot and be realistic I always keep a 50yd length of string marked off in 5yd intervals and if I am static shooting on a new area will actually measure to see and mark safe distances, I suggest some people try it and I am guessing they will be suprised at how inaccurate a SWAG (scientific wild **** guess) actually is.

Edited by BRAD1927
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I have not tried blind folded but 200 hundred yards or so is feasible off a tower with laser range finder and high mag scopes, wiv selected weighted ammo through one of them Bengarzy barrels with rifling restricted to the last coupla inches so as to avoid fliers, oh and of course must be .177 to avoid over penetration and aid in flatter trajectory. :rolleyes:

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I have not tried blind folded but 200 hundred yards or so is feasible off a tower with laser range finder and high mag scopes, wiv selected weighted ammo through one of them Bengarzy barrels with rifling restricted to the last coupla inches so as to avoid fliers, oh and of course must be .177 to avoid over penetration and aid in flatter trajectory. :rolleyes:



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I have not tried blind folded but 200 hundred yards or so is feasible off a tower with laser range finder and high mag scopes, wiv selected weighted ammo through one of them Bengarzy barrels with rifling restricted to the last coupla inches so as to avoid fliers, oh and of course must be .177 to avoid over penetration and aid in flatter trajectory. :rolleyes:

at last, a true connor-sewer of air rifles.

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When mates and I used to shoot springer air rifles (such as the HW35) with pretty basic scopes years ago it was out to 40 yards pretty much and that was it.


We used to enjoy sneaking through the undergrowth to take a couple of rabbits or pigeons for the campfire.


Great days. I think air rifle technology has moved on a bit since then.

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excellant another max distance on live quarry pop gun thread :no:


The answer is most likely 30 yards rat or rabbit for a nice clean kill and no suffering but i bet we get plenty of opinions on this,


Now how many folk can tell the diff between "40 to 45 yards" or what 50 yards looks like and get it right more often than not when light and conditions change as often as they do if you dont have a known distance object. Granted some have a good eye but not that many and with such low power if you think its 40 and its 50 the drop off is mental over that 10 yards on a sub 12. Step up to centerfire and its not quite so bad as you have all the power you need as long as the bullet drop is compensated for if required.


I can see another PW challange state the distance now that may be quite interesting, i have a range finder :lol:

Edited by pavman
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Interesting thread; I've just bought an HW77 in .177, and a few plinking sessions have taught me that I have a lot to learn about trajectory before I try to blood it. Haven't used an air rifle in years, but I don't think I'd feel competent to shoot at more than 25 yards at the moment. :blush:

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excellant another max distance on live quarry pop gun thread :no:


The answer is most likely 30 yards rat or rabbit for a nice clean kill and no suffering but i bet we get plenty of opinions on this,


Now how many folk can tell the diff between "40 to 45 yards" or what 50 yards looks like and get it right more often than not when light and conditions change as often as they do if you dont have a known distance object. Granted some have a good eye but not that many and with such low power if you think its 40 and its 50 the drop off is mental over that 10 yards on a sub 12. Step up to centerfire and its not quite so bad as you have all the power you need as long as the bullet drop is compensated for if required.


I can see another PW challange state the distance now that may be quite interesting, i have a range finder :lol:


That is what them there laser range finders are for!

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30 yards max for me.


Only just bought and started shooting with an air rifle again after 10 year break.

I seem to be grouping quite well at that distance so will stick to it until the rust has gone away and feel a bit more confident.


Really enjoying it though, cant understand why I gave it up :hmm:

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hedd-wynn, I know what you mean - I put it down to nostalgia for my long lost (and miss-spent) youth! I do quiet a bit of deer stalking, but am looking forward to wandering around a few fields with an air rifle when I've only got an hour or so free.

Edited by Bear68
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Good thread, though you may need to split the poll between spring and PcP, I shoot thirty yards max with a .22 springer but out to fifty with a .177 PcP.


Successful air gunning with a Springer is, I think more about field craft like, as mentioned, sneaking in close and taking the shot.

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Hi all have a look at cubleycat on youtube she shoots an HW100 in 177 she shoots a lot of rats and dose a lot of test. All her vids are top and very interesting. But one she dose is a ranged 200 mtr shots at baked bean tins with different pellets. Some pellets made an entry hole but no exit hole but Daystate heavys made an entry and exit hole at 200 mtrs. And her gun is just under the 12 ftlb because she had to have it turned down after it bedded in has with a lot of HW100s they creep over after running in. It would be interesting if a test was done to see what energy was left in the pellet at say 70yds - 100yds - 150yds. from a 12 ftlb gun. At the end of the day its down to the weather what shooting position your in ie standing. Laid down with a bi pod you can push the range out to what you feel you can make a good clean kill. Even rats deserve a clean kill and not left to suffer.

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I've checked the 50 yards box, I have shot and killed rabbits at more (62 metres, yes, measured. :rolleyes: ) but that was more down to mis-ranging it a bit in the mist although I was aware it was a long shot. It hit lower than I would have liked unsurprisingly, but was still instantly fatal. That said, I very rarely shoot more than 40 metres on live quarry unless the conditions are spot on and that's rare. I do however regularly plink targets at up to 60 metres.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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Well, I can put 5 pellets within a 2p piece at 40 yards with a springer, but I cant remember the last time I took it out in the field, so at the moment my effective hunting range with a springer is....zero. :blush:


With a sub Fac pcp, I can put 5 within a 2p piece, often tighter than that, at 60 yards, so I'm am happy to take a 60 yard head shot, as long as it's dead calm and I'm happy I've got a clean ranging bounce from my Nikon 440.

I really can't understand those who seem to think these kind of ranges are nigh on impossible, let alone done often.

I use good rifle (S400) that I have running within 5fps of each shot over 35 shots. I use a Hawke Sidewinder 30 3-12x50 scope that I have mapped out from 20 to 70 yards. And I practise and check my kit on a regular basis. All from a bipod to match my preferred hunting stance. I like to plot up on a warren, get comfy and wait for them, I'm too lazy to run round a field...


I'm a pretty good shot yes, but nothing special.


1. Half decent shot

2. Rifle that puts the pellets out at a consistent fps( this is VITAL. At 50 plus yards, inconsistent fps absolutely WILL mess up your groups)

3.Half decent glass.

4. Good quality pellets ( I'm looking at you BOB R :lol: )

5. A well mapped and practiced scope.

6. Good range estimation ( I would not attempt long range shots if I didn't have a good range finder, no way)


Do I get the odd flyer that sends the occasional rabbit screaming down it's hole? Well, you figure that one out. My permissions demand results, and if I can bag 10-20 sitting off as far as possible, as opposed to bagging 5 by getting up so close I could beat them to death, then that's what I'll do. One runner out of ten I can deal with. Those of you with the luxury of swanning around your permissions and getting away with only a handful of rabbits and the farmer/landowner is happy with that, good for you. Some of us have to earn our shooting rights.


Pah. :P

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That is what them there laser range finders are for!



If you need a Range finder to judge distance for an air gun and shoot 30 yards you need to firstly see an Optician and also give up shooting it........... Range finders are to Quickly and accurately aquire the distance to an object outside your abilty to judge and not one thats within spittin distance :lol:

Edited by pavman
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