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How many use a C.B ??


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hi all :good: Just wondered how many people on here actually use a c.b in the 4x4 as there is nearly always one shown in the cab :hmm: How easy are they to use or would a mobile phone be more useful as long as you had a reception

Just wondered

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Snakes alive, we've got us a convoy!


Oh my god I've gone all Burt Reynolds. Or was that Cannonball Run?


Cb would be less than useless unless your good buddies were on too I guess.

Wasn't it Kris Kristoffesen? Rubber Duck, Rubber Duck there's a smokey on my tail, or summink.

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I didnt think you could use one now as mobiles are hands free ?? But saying that how can the police use the handsets when driving :look:

Sorry chaps,, but c.b,s are still in use !, me and a fee mates have them in the 4x4s, cheaper than phones to run ,, great for green laning or just chatting on whilst driving. ,,

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I know they are still in use (still on fm presumably) I'm just struggling what the op wants it for exactly. If it's a comparison with mobile phones you might as well compare two cups and a bit of string with a loud hailer.


Maybe. Actually that's a rubbish analogy. I move it's stricken from the record.


A few of my mates had CBs back in the 80s. One had Dixie air horns too!

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I don't want one I was also just wondering if people still used them as they are often seen in the cabs and I also wondered if they were more useful than a modern mobile ?? Like I said are they now just a gimmick :good:

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I got one too in the landrover . Only ever use it when laning .mobiles would be useless some of the places we go . What's the problem with other people hearing your conversation if your doing nothing wrong . It's only the same as being overheard in a public place

Besides there's not many people who have them now so the chances of someone listening in is slim to non

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A few of my mates had CBs back in the 80s. One had Dixie air horns too!


OMG Did I know you in the 80's :blush::blush:


Is AM/SSB still used ?

I've still got one in the shed from sidebanding back in the day, using an 18ft telescopic pole mounted on back door of my minivan

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CB is used quite extensively in the 4x4 & offroad community... where off roaders go there is a good probability that there will be no (or patchy) cell phone coverage... Also, radios are always on and so you chat on an ad-hoc basis which you can't do with a cell phone and cellphones are (generally) 2 way only.. if there's a group of you, useless..


Most radios you see in contractors vehicles will more than likely be PMR or Private frequency. CB uses quite a low frequency, 27mhz and therefore requires a fairly lengthy antenna to work efficiently... 4 miles ish line of sight on a good day.. I am a radio Ham and use slightly different equipment but the main difference is in the frequencies, either 144 or 430mhz.. I can operate comfortably to about 40 miles line of sight with an antenna on my truck that is 12" long and using only marginally higher power (5w as oposed to 4 with CB but then I can crank that up to 50 watts if I need to without resorting to amps etc....) then of course I can hook into one of the many hundreds of repeaters up and down the country and communicate with anywhere on the planet.


Might seem a little backwards to some but my radio gear is state of the art and given the choice, I would rather be left with equipment that DIDN'T rely on someone elses network to function.... The Internet is a wonderful thing..... as long as your ISP doesn't go down... same with Mobiles, great, as long as there is network coverage or a network at all! :yes:

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Back in the late 90s when I was in sixth form we all had CB's in our cars to be able to talk to each other on outings to Macca D's etc, it was so much more exciting than the mobile.....If I wanted to talk after school i'd drive up the mountain behind my house and could speak to anyone i wanted to.


Can't remember what the set was, a Midland of some description. Youngsters these days are missing out on the fun of CB.

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I have a Midland unit in my Discovery and 3 of the 4 tractors at work have them fitted along with the combine, makes life so much easier during cereal and potato harvest to guide trailer drivers and warn of problems. The question of whether its legal to use one while driving was checked out by us a few years back when they brought in a rule that escort vehicles had to be in radio contact with wide loads at all times and we were told that it was perfectly legal......wouldn't like to test that one though

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