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How do you transport your dogs?

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Hi all,


I've got a new pup coming soon and I will need a new transit box to fit two dogs in the boot of my 4x4. One is a cocker x lab and the other is a cocker. I dont want to spend a fortune, a couple of hundred quid max.


What do you use and have you got any photo's to show me??



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I got a port-a-pet second hand, this is the website for buying a new one: http://www.dog-n-field.co.uk/gene/Merlin/ppet.htm


I am impressed with build quality and its light so can put it in and out the car very easily. Mine is pretty much a perfect fit for my terrano and about as tall as the seats so i can still see out the back clearly. I put boxes of carts and stuff on top all the time and hasnt made any difference to it.


My father in law has a Trans K9 and no doubt about it they are very very well made. They are made out of about 2mm thick steel so in a crash your dog would be safer in it but it weighs a ton and takes two of us to lift it in and out the car when needed. After seeing mine though he wished he would of saved his money and got one like mine.

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TransK9 may be good but appear to be beyond the guys budget. They're a good bit of kit but they are heavy & if you need to take them in & out of the vehicle often this is a bind. I've a had a large Linran fo some time now & can't complain about it's quality, they do appear on ebay more often as well.

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TransK9 are the best mass produced boxes on the market, bar none. Second hand ones can be pickup up on the auction site.


A strapped down cage would do the job cheaply, but rattle like nothing on earth.


There are various in between options.


DogTran are very good boxes and lighter than TK9 but not much cheaper, there are a few on the auction site though and if removing it from the vehicle regularly is a consideration that is what I would buy.... in fact I did, changed from TK9 to DogTran. If I didn't have to move the box to make space for work kit I would never have changed from TK9. LinTran, as DogTran but not as good IMO.

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Started off with a 50 quid cage from argos - my ESS Bitch hated it, it rattled like hell and she howled even more!

So, after debates with she who must be obayed - I purchased a DB2000 Lintran for the L200.

I ordered over the telephone on a Thursday morning and it arrived on the Friday afternoon - yes it was expensive but well worth the money in my opinion, recently done 2 number 6 hour journeys and the dog was relaxed and didnt make a noise. You do get what you pay for, a mate of mine who has 4 dogs has had one of these for the last 13 years and its heavily used.


The trans K9 look good too!

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