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Scotland's Firearms Legislation

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I received a email earlier from the President of one of my shooting clubs, he had received it from one of the club members, basically it was a link to a newspaper article with Kenny MacAskill being quoted as saying that all Firearms Certificate holders should be restricted to a maximum of 3 rifles etc and there is no need to retain any more than three, he will push to change the law, first air rifles now FAC, what next




Absolute vote pinching






Very Unhappy


Let's stick together before we lose anymore of our rights

Edited by crazyfrog
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Sadly its what we get for voting these cretins into government in the 1st place! With their majority government they can pretty much do as they please, hopefully folks see through them by the time the next election comes around :hmm: Your right though as this could lead to very bad things for us gun owners :(

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It just seems that as they get further devolved powers they want to flex their muscles and change this. that and the other just because they can, namely minimum 50p per unit alchohol, reducing drink drive limit to name but a few, I do not drink so these parts of new legislation won't effect me, however air rifles, FAC etc do...... What next, read the book 1984 by George Orwell and that is the way we are going I am afraid to say......

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I wonder how he arrived at the number 3? Surely the greatest number of guns anyone can operate at the same time is 2? Or is he expecting an attack of armed octopi some time soon? :hmm::rolleyes:




Any gun ownwer that voted for these clowns should be taken from the house and have their guns inserted where the sun doesn't shine :no:

Edited by Breastman
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another case let us try this in scotland first.. then gauge it from there , they are all ready going to join all regions together and issue of licences from one licencing department . for the whole of scotland ..on the other hand i do know this is happening down south at the moment.. i do think were , i have a nice 12 gun cabinet for sale , any takers :angry:

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Well fortunately for us his arguments have more holes in them than a tin can hit from 10 paces with a 12 bore.

If the shooting organisations do something it shouldn't be an issue, he has no bases for any of the comments, it's a load of tosh that only the thickest people would believe (well, most of the public then).

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I wonder how he arrived at the number 3?



Easy the average number held is just short of three.So he can look all touch and anti gun crime without actually doing anything.I know theres plenty of guys who have more than three me included but it was a figure he found easy to come up with.

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Get in touch with him and ask for a meeting; failing that a telephone conversation. Try and educate him.

And while you're at it,ask him how he justifies his title of 'justice' minister,when the drug addled **** who murdered the toddler will be free to roam the streets in another few years time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have sent a open letter to various MSP's here are two replies I have received back




13:00 (3 hours ago)


to me


Many thanks for your message of the 6th of June in relation to the proposed new legislation on control of air rifles.


I would share many of your concerns about the approach being adopted by the Scottish Government. Certainly we have a problem with abuse of air weapons, but it seems to me that this is largely covered by existing legislation. What these proposals will do is simply increase costs for those who comply with the law, whilst those who currently break the law will no doubt continue to do so.


I shall certainly scrutinise the legislation when it appears very closely and look forward to reading all the consultation responses, but as I say I have a great deal of sympathy with the viewpoint that you express.



With kind regards,


Murdo Fraser MSP


Member for Mid Scotland & Fife (Scottish Conservatives)

Convenor, Economy, Energy & Tourism Committee of the Scottish Parliament




This is one of them I will post the other one shortly

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And the other one is as follows:




Thank you for your email highlighting your concerns regarding the proposed restrictions on firearms.


As a initial step, I have sent a copy of your email, without your personal details, along with a covering letter to the Justice Secretary asking for his comments.


I have enclosed a copy of the covering letter and I will be back in contact once I receive a response.




The covering letter reads as follows..


Kenny MacAskill MSP

Cabinet Secretary for Justice ----- That's a joke Justice

St Andrew's House

Regent Road




RE: Proposed Restrictions on Firearms


I have been contacted by one of my constituents highlighting his concerns regarding the proposed restrictions on the amount of legally held firearms any individual can hold. Please find enclosed a copy of the emailI have received as it describes his situation in more detail.


I would be grateful for your comments.....





Willie Rennie makes no comment on Air Rifles in this communication even though this was also mentioned...


It may be a idea if we all write directly to Kenny MacAskill.


I will keep everyone posted as and when I get anymore feedback....

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Willie Rennie is not too bad that way, I have been to a few of his surgeries on other local matters, the fact the he has sent a letter to MacAskill means that a reply will be required, once I have anything back I will post it up etc etc

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