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Traffic Police dont like you telling them off!!!


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Doing the school run this morning with my 12yr old Son and as we approach his school we notice a long line of cars trying to get into the small access road into the school. Once through the jam it was obvious what the issue was, the traffic police had pulled over one of the Mums cars just as she had turned into the school access road! So the 2 lane road is now down to 1 lane with loads of cars trying to get in and out! Far from ideal but heres the bit that annoyed me!!


The traffic car is parked over the pedestrian crossing the head teacher had arranged for the safe transit of the kids coming into the school grounds! This meant that any kids had to walk between the police car and the car they had stopped squeeze between the barrier all whilst looking for cars coming at them on the wrong side of the road! After dropping my Son I made comment to the helpers in the drop off zone about how stupid they had been to stop there, they informed me they have been there for 10-15mins and had caused real issues for everyine dropping their kids off :devil:


I decided to speak with them on the way out :shoot: They didnt like it :lol: I started by asking if they thought they had chosen a safe and sensible position to stop their vehicle, to which they replied "yes it is fine" I then said that I thought it was rather silly stopping on a pedestrian crossing, to which the driver replied "its not a legal pedestrian crossing!" I told him that whilst in the eyes of the law it was not a legal crossing it was the recognised safe crossing point for every child in that school and that the council had installed both the white lines and the signage for the school :devil: He then stuttered that he thought it was better stopping the car where it was rather than drawing attention to themselves in the drop off zone where all the kids were! I told them I thought they had got it wrong and were causing much more harm/danger than good in their current location. They were not impressed that they were being picked up infront of other folk but I think they realised they had made a bad choice, you could tell the driver was raging at me but he dare not respond as he was clearly in the wrong :lol: :lol:


I have no issues with the reasons they stopped the car but their choice off where to park was stupid and had any of us done it they would have been all over us! Sorry for the rant but they really got up my goat with this :devil: :devil:

Edited by m3vert
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Meh traffic police Vs people who drop their kids off to school by car, that a bit like chosing between arsenic and cyanide for me


:lol: I know what you mean but when its a 7mile journey to school walking aint really an option :P Now dont get me started on those that stay 400mtr's away from school lazy ******** though :D

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Prepare to get stopped a lot in the future....... :S



We have a one way system round the corner from me,


driving down it one day, meets a police car coming the WRONG way, I gestured to him that it was the wrong way,


Turned on the blue lights and continued,


I would like to think I would be allowed a little leeway but I somehow doubt it



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In the country sometimes driving the kids to school is the only option. The number of kids round here that get a lift half a mile though drives me round the bend. I guess it's ok if the parents are going that way anyway but most of the mums just turn around and go home again after. There are half a dozen up our road who go out and come straight back. With the traffic how it is it would be quicker to walk or cycle anyway!


Back to the OP, coppers can be daft but generally I like them. Strangely in my 10+ years of driving I've never been stopped? What's wrong with me?! My mrs got stopped once because the MOT had expired when I was in the car and completely off my tree drunk. I was quite sure it was still valid and went on about it for that long that I think the copper felt sorry for her and just let her carry on! I was certain it was ok and was happy to be given a ticket! :oops::lol:


Turns out it had expired. I was quite grateful for the friendly heads up that he'd given us and got it done the next day.

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Prepare to get stopped a lot in the future....... :S


Yes, make sure that everything about you and your car is unquestionably 100% legal from now on...


You can't tell the police anything, they know everything and never make mistakes in any way. They do not appreciate or accept being corrected.

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Well done for saying something, i bet many didnt. My dad was a class 1 driver in the met so i know the level of driving the police used to be trained to and he has also spent a lot of time with me getting me into safe and progressive driving practices etc. Now some of the jokes i see driving police cars now is ridiculous someone got pulled over the other day 3 cars in front of me it was a complete joke the police car found the worst possible place to pull the person over in the town center and seemed to take for ever to do it. The car the pulled was driving normally so wasn't like it was a danger at the time.


As soon as i see an police astra or similar on the motorway or dual carriageway I stay away from them as more often than not, they are dangerous to be around with the people driving them who have no clue but an i can do what i want attitude. The people driving the big volvos and fast cars are normally very very good drivers but it seems the the people driving the bobby on the beat cars driving standard seems very very low.

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Dont get me started, there are two infants/junior schools in our town centre its chaos and impossible to get a parking spot or negotiate the town centre between 2.30 and 3.30 every school day because of all the parents picking up there kids from school at the usual ratio of one parent/car, one child :angry:



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Doing the school run this morning with my 12yr old Son and as we approach his school we notice a long line of cars trying to get into the small access road into the school. Once through the jam it was obvious what the issue was, the traffic police had pulled over one of the Mums cars just as she had turned into the school access road! So the 2 lane road is now down to 1 lane with loads of cars trying to get in and out! Far from ideal but heres the bit that annoyed me!!


The traffic car is parked over the pedestrian crossing the head teacher had arranged for the safe transit of the kids coming into the school grounds! This meant that any kids had to walk between the police car and the car they had stopped squeeze between the barrier all whilst looking for cars coming at them on the wrong side of the road! After dropping my Son I made comment to the helpers in the drop off zone about how stupid they had been to stop there, they informed me they have been there for 10-15mins and had caused real issues for everyine dropping their kids off :devil:


I decided to speak with them on the way out :shoot: They didnt like it :lol: I started by asking if they thought they had chosen a safe and sensible position to stop their vehicle, to which they replied "yes it is fine" I then said that I thought it was rather silly stopping on a pedestrian crossing, to which the driver replied "its not a legal pedestrian crossing!" I told him that whilst in the eyes of the law it was not a legal crossing it was the recognised safe crossing point for every child in that school and that the council had installed both the white lines and the signage for the school :devil: He then stuttered that he thought it was better stopping the car where it was rather than drawing attention to themselves in the drop off zone where all the kids were! I told them I thought they had got it wrong and were causing much more harm/danger than good in their current location. They were not impressed that they were being picked up infront of other folk but I think they realised they had made a bad choice, you could tell the driver was raging at me but he dare not respond as he was clearly in the wrong :lol: :lol:


I have no issues with the reasons they stopped the car but their choice off where to park was stupid and had any of us done it they would have been all over us! Sorry for the rant but they really got up my goat with this :devil: :devil:


they really got up my goat with this hope your goat didnt object too much !

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Just wondered if any member of the esteemed constabulary might have been grumpy enough to enter our friend's details into his little black book, and then pass it onto the Firearms officer.....sorry, probably being a bit too cynical today. :/



Good grief!! You've been watching too much CSI Miami.... Its not like that in the real world. :oops:

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Doing the school run this morning with my 12yr old Son and as we approach his school we notice a long line of cars trying to get into the small access road into the school. Once through the jam it was obvious what the issue was, the traffic police had pulled over one of the Mums cars just as she had turned into the school access road! So the 2 lane road is now down to 1 lane with loads of cars trying to get in and out! Far from ideal but heres the bit that annoyed me!!


The traffic car is parked over the pedestrian crossing the head teacher had arranged for the safe transit of the kids coming into the school grounds! This meant that any kids had to walk between the police car and the car they had stopped squeeze between the barrier all whilst looking for cars coming at them on the wrong side of the road! After dropping my Son I made comment to the helpers in the drop off zone about how stupid they had been to stop there, they informed me they have been there for 10-15mins and had caused real issues for everyine dropping their kids off :devil:


I decided to speak with them on the way out :shoot: They didnt like it :lol: I started by asking if they thought they had chosen a safe and sensible position to stop their vehicle, to which they replied "yes it is fine" I then said that I thought it was rather silly stopping on a pedestrian crossing, to which the driver replied "its not a legal pedestrian crossing!" I told him that whilst in the eyes of the law it was not a legal crossing it was the recognised safe crossing point for every child in that school and that the council had installed both the white lines and the signage for the school :devil: He then stuttered that he thought it was better stopping the car where it was rather than drawing attention to themselves in the drop off zone where all the kids were! I told them I thought they had got it wrong and were causing much more harm/danger than good in their current location. They were not impressed that they were being picked up infront of other folk but I think they realised they had made a bad choice, you could tell the driver was raging at me but he dare not respond as he was clearly in the wrong :lol: :lol:


I have no issues with the reasons they stopped the car but their choice off where to park was stupid and had any of us done it they would have been all over us! Sorry for the rant but they really got up my goat with this :devil: :devil:

Would it be fair to think that they thought that a highly visible police car made the situation a lot safer by people immediately slowing and paying attention when they saw it there

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I am laughing at some of the comments about the police going to go after me lol, he didn't even notice me approach him and I doubt very much he even clocked my reg as I drove off!. to those asking what I achieved? Well if one of the parents had stopped there someone would have spoken to them so I see the police as no different! As far as I know the Police do not have exemption from the road traffic act to park on a pedestrian crossing so using the "it's not a real crossing" doesn't cut it for me! It was a dangerous place to stop especially at a busy school crossing point and a Traffic Police Officer really should have known better! I felt better after telling them what I thought so that's good enough for me :)


Oh and the car has only done 1000miles since new and being only 2 months old I'm happy it will stand up to any inspection they want to throw at it ;) no chance this will effect my certificate get real! Some on here are a wee bit paranoid me thinks lol


Tam I dinny fancy the gloved inspection much right enough lol

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Oh and unapalomablanca you've obviously never worked at road accidents and other roadside incidents with blue lights on mate! They cause loads of accidents EVERY year with people paying WAY more attention to the incident than the road, causing carnage and death on a regular basis!

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