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dog shot

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It says the dog ran into the field and started chasing pheasants which to me sounds like they was not in a pen, seems a bit hasty to shoot it especially if no birds was harmed.


I'd give him your feo's number and let him explain it to him and see what he says, then if keeper is in the wrong id go see him and give him the choice of settling for cash out of court or face losing his guns. If your mates in the wrong when it's an unfortunate lesson learned.

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It says the dog ran into the field and started chasing pheasants which to me sounds like they was not in a pen, seems a bit hasty to shoot it especially if no birds was harmed.


I'd give him your feo's number and let him explain it to him and see what he says, then if keeper is in the wrong id go see him and give him the choice of settling for cash out of court or face losing his guns. If your mates in the wrong when it's an unfortunate lesson learned.

if the dog could not be trusted not to chase anything ,it should have been on a lead ,if it had been trained right it would stop on command,then the unfortunate incident would not have happened

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That keeper has just made his job a lot harder I would say. If it was my dog he shot I wouldnt let him off so easy. The only good he has done I think is that word will get round to other dog owners and they will either keep away or keep there dogs on there leashes.

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Dogs can be shot if they are worrying livestock. They can also be shot if the dog enters a pheasant pen, but not if the pheasants are outside the pen roaming free.

If the pheasants are roaming free outside a pen, they are classed as wild animals. When in the pen, they are classed as property of the gamekeeper.


This is as far as I am aware. I could be wrong though.

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I was informed by the police last year (after having problems with some one in the village letting their dogs roam ) that due to the 1892 game laws that still stand today that you do have the right to protect your game even if this means shooting the animal not saying I would but the this is the law

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From the Act as opposed to Pigeon Watch law!!


The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953


Under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953 the owner and anyone else under whose control the dog is at the time will be guilty of an offence if it worries livestock on agricultural land. The dog must have been attacking or chasing livestock in such a way that it could reasonably be expected to cause injury or suffering or, in the case of females, abortion or the loss or diminution of their produce. An offence is not committed if at the time of the worrying the livestock were trespassing, the dog belonged to the owner of the land on which the trespassing livestock were and the person in charge of the dog did not cause the dog to attack the livestock. The definition of ‘livestock’ includes cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses and poultry. Game birds are not included.


The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953

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I was informed by the police last year (after having problems with some one in the village letting their dogs roam ) that due to the 1892 game laws that still stand today that you do have the right to protect your game even if this means shooting the animal not saying I would but the this is the law

Never heard of this before. It was stated in Shooting Times just a few weeks back that it is ALWAYS illegal to shoot a dog for chasing/killing pheasants - whether in or out of a pen.


I've never seen anything anywhere that says it is legal to shoot a dog for going after game birds bit if someone can point me to it..........


Edit: Thank you miliscer - you posted as I was typing.

Edited by Piebob
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From the Act as opposed to Pigeon Watch law!!


The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953


Under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953 the owner and anyone else under whose control the dog is at the time will be guilty of an offence if it worries livestock on agricultural land. The dog must have been attacking or chasing livestock in such a way that it could reasonably be expected to cause injury or suffering or, in the case of females, abortion or the loss or diminution of their produce. An offence is not committed if at the time of the worrying the livestock were trespassing, the dog belonged to the owner of the land on which the trespassing livestock were and the person in charge of the dog did not cause the dog to attack the livestock. The definition of livestock includes cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses and poultry. Game birds are not included.


The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953

Yes that still is the law today

Edited by remy 700
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Well I've read this thread though with a great deal of worry. Especially when reading some of the threats being made against the keeper.

I'm not going to add anything about the actual shooting, as I believe the keeper could be in deep doo doo over this, but I also believe that the sort of threats being uttered are exactly what we all complain about when the antis are involved in the same thing.

We hear all the time about antis cutting release pens open so that the birds can escape, or even worse where the birds are killed (so much for the anti “animal lovers”). But to hear such threats from so-called shooting men who would otherwise defend this keeper, is astonishing.

Personally I would revoke any certificate belonging to those who have made these threats, because if that's the way you think then you shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm/shotgun.


And judging by the illiteracy on here it beats me how some of you managed to fill in your application forms!!!!!!!!!!


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Never heard of this before. It was stated in Shooting Times just a few weeks back that it is ALWAYS illegal to shoot a dog for chasing/killing pheasants - whether in or out of a pen.


I've never seen anything anywhere that says it is legal to shoot a dog for going after game birds bit if someone can point me to it..........


Edit: Thank you miliscer - you posted as I was typing.




As I said we were informed by the POLICE,and if I were you. I'd would speak to them yourself if you need any more clarification after all that is their job !!!

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(1)In this Act— .


“agricultural land” means land used as arable, meadow or grazing land, or for the purpose of poultry farming, pig farming, market gardens, allotments, nursery grounds or orchards; and



“livestock” means cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses, or poultry, and for the purposes of this definition “cattle” means bulls, cows, oxen, heifers or calves, “horses” includes ***** and mules, and “poultry” means domestic fowls, turkeys, geese or ducks.



On reading the Legislation, it actually defines poultry which am sure it was debated before if pheasants in a pen were defined as domestic poultry.

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Well I've read this thread though with a great deal of worry. Especially when reading some of the threats being made against the keeper.

I'm not going to add anything about the actual shooting, as I believe the keeper could be in deep doo doo over this, but I also believe that the sort of threats being uttered are exactly what we all complain about when the antis are involved in the same thing.

We hear all the time about antis cutting release pens open so that the birds can escape, or even worse where the birds are killed (so much for the anti “animal lovers”). But to hear such threats from so-called shooting men who would otherwise defend this keeper, is astonishing.

Personally I would revoke any certificate belonging to those who have made these threats, because if that's the way you think then you shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm/shotgun.


And judging by the illiteracy on here it beats me how some of you managed to fill in your application forms!!!!!!!!!!


HERE HERE !! We dont need antis ! we turn on our own !

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A significant number of posts have been removed, as once again some members forget they are posting on a public access Forum.


This thread concerns a secondhand story, told to the OP by the dog owner whose dog has supposedly been shot, under circumstances that nobody can substantiate.

On that basis, some of the comments made on the thread make you wonder how people got, or retain their gun licences (those that have them).

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