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boarding kennels


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putting my little mate in kennels for a couple or three days at the weekend and i've never had to do it before , do they just take it in their stride or as my mrs thinks do they think they have been abandoned.... i am paying for someone to walk him twice a day while he's there too



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putting my little mate in kennels for a couple or three days at the weekend and i've never had to do it before , do they just take it in their stride or as my mrs thinks do they think they have been abandoned.... i am paying for someone to walk him twice a day while he's there too




Some love it some hate it. Have you visited the kennels beforehand? always a good idea. :yes: Must have an exersize pen and you want to know the routine, as for paying extra for walks thats for you to think carefully about. My current pup is doing his first stint this august, booked a while back yet visited and fully confirmed last weekend

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yes i visited and it is based where i get my feed from, people very nice place is clean and tidy not stinking of p like some and they welcome you bring his own food and play things and you can have the walks or not but i said yes to get him out a bit...have booked him in for 2 weeks in sept too so this is a tester

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yes i visited and it is based where i get my feed from, people very nice place is clean and tidy not stinking of p like some and they welcome you bring his own food and play things and you can have the walks or not but i said yes to get him out a bit...have booked him in for 2 weeks in sept too so this is a tester


the place i am about to use said they could no longer give any other prepared food without registering as a comercial kitchen. Suppose thats what you get when you ask an official :rolleyes:

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dogs are incapable of thinking they have been "abandond" so put it in the kennels you have chosen and go away for your weekend

what a load of ****, as someone who owned a boarding kennel for several years, I have seen dogs sulk, refuse food, refuse walks. after a few days they accepted me as a new boss, but there is no doubt that at the beginning of their stay, some felt they had been abandoned.

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what a load of ****, as someone who owned a boarding kennel for several years, I have seen dogs sulk, refuse food, refuse walks. after a few days they accepted me as a new boss, but there is no doubt that at the beginning of their stay, some felt they had been abandoned.

Anthropmorphism at its best
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Anthropmorphism at its best

Im not Anthropmorphic, my dogs are kenneled, and allways have been, but to say a dog doesn`t show any emotion is absolute rubbish, when you return from a day at work is your dog not happy to see you does it not wag its tail vigorously, and when you leave it in the kennel and get in the car to drive off is it sat still in the kennel watching, it can see you but where`s the wagging tail. it knows whats happening and doesent like being left behind, therefor it`s feeling sad.

Edited by malantone
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I put both of mine in kennels when i go away

and i hate doing it

So i have to train my brain to think the same way

as when i used to take my boys to playschool

which was they may be kicking,screaming and dragging thier feet(boys not dogs)

all the way up to the door

But you could put money on it.The minute mummy was out of sight

the little darlings where ok.

I have too think the same way with my dogs,otherwise i would never ever go away :rolleyes:

And so far it seems too work for me :good:


Either that or am just as bad a dog owner as i am a mother.who has a heart made of wood :P


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I put both of mine in kennels when i go away

and i hate doing it

So i have to train my brain to think the same way

as when i used to take my boys to playschool

which was they may be kicking,screaming and dragging thier feet(boys not dogs)

all the way up to the door

But you could put money on it.The minute mummy was out of sight

the little darlings where ok.

I have too think the same way with my dogs,otherwise i would never ever go away :rolleyes:

And so far it seems too work for me :good:


Either that or am just as bad a dog owner as i am a mother.who has a heart made of wood :P




And when you picked your kids up on that first day i bet they didn't particulary want to leave :yes:

Its an important part of training that a dog dont become too dependant on its owners company and likewise a child :good:


wooden heart? rubbish ;)

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As a Boarding Kennel owner, it annoys me when kennels try and charge more for walking the dogs, or for feeding different feed or if it is raining or if the dog is white (You get my drift!)


Our costs are inclusive of the dog being walked twice a day (regardless of the weather!) heating, food, fuss and attention. Some dogs take longer to settle in kennels, whilst some just slot right in to the routine from day one.


If an owner wants to bring their own food, then that is fine by us - we will feed your dog(s) according to your requirements, most however, end up buying CSJ from us after their stay, once they see how well their dogs are doing on it.



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