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Spinger pup


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Hi i have a 4 month old springer pup and evey time i come into the room after a wile of not seeing her she sprays wee allover the place !!! How can i get her out of the habit of this please !!! Also what age do i start training her for the gun ? Ive done the basics like sit stay lie down healing on the lead and shes picked that up so easy i couldnt believe it !

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my spinger used to do it as well leave a trail where ever he had been they do grow out of it

as for the gun i took my to my local clay range started him off far from the guns working towards them if he looked up as if to say what was that when a shot was fired ide fuss him and give him a titbit carried on untill i shot over him depends on the dog tho so approached with caution some are bolder then others and may take a few trips but praise and reasure her should not take to long

as for biting yeah puppy nips i just told mine no in a firm voice and would ignore him when him did it over time he stopped just playing i imagine

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Thank god for that ! sick of getting covered in pee when i make a fuss of her ! Does yours bite at all mate ? Mine bites sometimes (not hard) but when you tell her NO she just Barks !


All pups bite a little, thats how they play. They have no hands to grip with. Just don't rush her and just let her be a pup, train her through play and make it all a game. ATB Steve

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Cheers Redtail. I think the next thing I'm going to try is letting her of the lead wilst out on a walk. Scared that she will run off though !


If your worried just practice the recall in the garden, take handful of treats and when letting her play around just call her name so she comes running towards you when she comes back give her lots of fuss and a treat. Also call her name when your about to feed her in the house. Do this for a couple of days in your garden then you should be alright. Pups dont really run off when they are young they normally stick with you quite well, my two were off lead as soon as they could go out and never had problems with them running off as a young pup that fun comes when they get confidence to be away from you as they get older

Edited by ferguson_tom
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