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I was searching the net for some info and ended up pointed to some posts on mumsnet. I started trawling around and came to the conclusion that the women posting on there are all man hating feminists. "My husband shouted at me" = "He is a potential rapist leave him immediately", "my husband wants sex but I am too tired" = "He is a selfish ******* leave him immediately". "my husband doesn't want sex with me" = "he is obviously having an affair, leave him immediately". i didn't see one post in support of the poor man.


There again anybody trawling through here would come to the conclusion that we are a bunch of sexist, racists, homophobes!

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You should see what they say about guns............fortunately not all are total nut jobs and some sensible replies...



Ok there are a few nutters... http://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/am_i_being_unreasonable/363941-to-tell-dh-that-he-can-t-keep-his-shotgun/AllOnOnePage


'Guns are bad, horrid things'


How can you educate people like this?!

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'Guns are bad, horrid things'


How can you educate people like this?!

You can't its irrational behaviour............


A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.[1]


They should be far more scared of cars than guns....

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There again anybody trawling through here would come to the conclusion that we are a bunch of sexist, racists, homophobes!


As if! :lol:


Q. Why did the feminist cross the road?

A. To start a fight with a complete stranger, for no reason whatsoever.

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The Devil makes work for idle hands :rolleyes: You normally find the foaming-at-the-mouth protester types (GCN, mumsnet, MAG etc etc) Are stay at home mothers, people who's children have left the house, permenant dolewallers etc and they have nothing better to do with their time than think up solutions for problems that don't exist <_<

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The Devil makes work for idle hands :rolleyes: You normally find the foaming-at-the-mouth protester types (GCN, mumsnet, MAG etc etc) Are stay at home mothers, people who's children have left the house, permenant dolewallers etc and they have nothing better to do with their time than think up solutions for problems that don't exist <_<


And the average PW poster is........

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After having a similar discussion before, the general consensus was that it’s full of stay at home mums who very rarely have any real contact with any human being except for their children.

This means their reaction to anything is the sort of reaction you’d give to a 3 year old child.


So, if a 3 year old does reach for a gun then the correct response is to tell them “No, that’s dangerous, stay away from that.”

The same for alcohol, sharp knives and violent films.


The problem is they give the same reactions to adults who want to indulge in these ‘dangerous’ things.


Then, ironically, they do start having contact with adults on mumsnet, but they all have the same mentality.

So they start trying to protectively mother everyone, and support each other in doing so.


It’s quite sad really.


What they need to do it go out, see some of the real world, get a bit drunk, dance round their handbags have a laugh and stop trying to protect those that don’t need protecting.

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You should see what they say about guns............fortunately not all are total nut jobs and some sensible replies...



Ok there are a few nutters... http://www.mumsnet.c...un/AllOnOnePage


A lot of people were saying that the objection to guns was unreasonable because it was based on "I don't like the idea of it", rather than a genuine threat. Some of the anti gun posts were as bad as the ban guns page on facebook.


As if! :lol:


Q. Why did the feminist cross the road?

A. To start a fight with a complete stranger, for no reason whatsoever.


:lol: :lol:


After having a similar discussion before, the general consensus was that it’s full of stay at home mums who very rarely have any real contact with any human being except for their children.

This means their reaction to anything is the sort of reaction you’d give to a 3 year old child.


So, if a 3 year old does reach for a gun then the correct response is to tell them “No, that’s dangerous, stay away from that.”

The same for alcohol, sharp knives and violent films.


The problem is they give the same reactions to adults who want to indulge in these ‘dangerous’ things.


Then, ironically, they do start having contact with adults on mumsnet, but they all have the same mentality.

So they start trying to protectively mother everyone, and support each other in doing so.


It’s quite sad really.


What they need to do it go out, see some of the real world, get a bit drunk, dance round their handbags have a laugh and stop trying to protect those that don’t need protecting.


Agree 100%. Robl talks sense.

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