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Paying for gun through paypal


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Hi folks


Im in the process of selling an air rifle. The person that has shown interest lives 400 miles away therfore I will have send it through my RDF.

This will be the first time ai have sold a gun this way. We have both agreed that dealing through paypal would be the best bet.


My question is, do I wait for the payment to show in my account before sending the rife, or does the customer have the right to refuse payment untill the gun is in his hands?


This is new to me so would like some advice from individuals who are familiar with this kind of transaction.





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I wouldn't send anything till i had the money. Everyone pays for things before they are sent. Maybe a bank transfer would be simpler as Paypal now have a bizarre anti-gun policy and if they get a whiff of what it's for they will probably suspend your account, or both your accounts.

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Don't use paypal, if things go wrong youve had it, they won't help and you could end up with no gun and no money in the worst case, its against their terms and conditions to use them to pay or buy for weapons related items.


A friend has just been scammed using pay pal, fell for one of the oldest pay pal scam tricks. The seller said he could only accept payment by paying for a service like paying rent, paid this way and goods not recieved, he contacted pay pal and told him you paid for a service not goods so can't help.

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Do not use Paypal!


Not only will they not help if things go wrong due to it being a weapon, they will suspend both you accounts and the buyer will be able to put a item not recieved claim in and get all of his money back. You will be left with nothing.


Do the deal via bank transfer, it is much safer for you. If he doesn't want to do that then i would be suspicious and just find another buyer who does.

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One thing ...

Unless the rules have changed, a non-FAC air rifle can be sent via a parcel delivery service if you are a private seller. The face-to-face part only applies to S1/S2 weapons.


I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong, however


Yes, airguns can be sent direct if it is a private sale.

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Just been on the blower with my RDF, and he reckoned PayPal was fine as long as you pay for it under 'gift' or 'sporting goods'.

However, I have stated in my email that a bank transaction woud be best.


I will also be shiping it fro RDF to RDF to be on the safeside and have knocked a few quid off the asking price to compensate for the postage.


Cheers for the avice boys.



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Don’t use paypal.


If they do it as a gift then there’s no fee, but also no protection for anyone.


If they do it as a purchase then there’s a fee to you, also if they claim it never arrived or was damaged then paypal generally refund the buyer.

Expect as it’s a gun it’s against their rules anyway. So if there is a problem it’ll just end up being magnified.


There have been loads of problems where conmen use a stolen paypal account to buy something.


Assuming you’re doing an RFD is to just get a bank transfer.

Most people can do it online and it takes 30 minutes to clear.

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Fellas I would like to thank you for alerting me. If I hadn't of started this thread I could've easily been ripped off or the gun gun could've ended up in the wrong hands.

The bloke became really annoyed wasn't happy at all when I said I would only deal through a bank transfer.

He even asked me to send it to his house and promised not to tell anyone!


I had a very bad feeling when he refused to give me his phone number so we could discuss a price, and thought it could well be a scam or an under aged person.

So I went with my gut feeling and cancelled the deal.


I closed the deal by saying that I was a SGC holder and that I couldn't afford to be selling weapons on the sly and would need everything done properly.


Once again thanks lads! Close shave and lesson learnt :sick:

Edited by hedd-wyn
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