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no charges for shotgun user hooray


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but honestly would you do the same


If he shut them in the bedroom got a gun from the safe loaded it and waited there till they entered and had no option then yes I probably would do the same. I'd also made damn sure it was the auto so I had a few to use. Sounds like this story will make them some money the papers will love the full facts

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I'm pretty supportive of the police, but why is this the case?


If this had happend to me I'd have no problem being unterviewed under caution.


But why should I have to be arrested for this to happen?


They were victims of circumstances that were none of their making.




If you deliberately shoot one you are going to get arrested. The police are not just going to believe you that it was self defence. They have to investigate what happened and that's the way it should be.

Edited by ordnance
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If you deliberately shoot one you are going to get arrested. The police are not just going to believe you that it was self defence.


Why not?


Clean record, 4 people (unrelated to them) in the house.


They could confiscate all guns but why does the home-owner have to be arrested?


They're hardly going to skip the country, they can be interviewed under caution then arrested if it looks like they're in the wrong.

Edited by Nial
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Why not?


Clean record, 4 people (unrelated to them) in the house.


They could confiscate all guns but why does the home-owner have to be arrested?


They're hardly going to skip the country, they can be interviewed under caution then arrested if it looks like they're in the wrong.


at a guess it keeps the story straight and them out of the way of the media etc


What we don't know is how they were treated by the police if it was pleasantly with a we just need to sort out facts etc then fine. The other way to look at it is they need to be damned sure all the loose ends are tied up to stop any possible private prosecution by the scum bags involved. The facts are you can't shoot or stab someone in this country without being arrested, its the way it should be to ascertain the facts then due process being gone through to drop the charges.

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"The facts are you can't shoot or stab someone in this country without being arrested, its the way it should be to ascertain the facts then due process being gone through to drop the charges".



Who amongst us thinks that Tony Martin was justified in shooting Fred Barrass in the back? Just one of the facts that have to be considered at the time.

Personally i just hope that homeowners don`t think that they can start discharging firearms willy nilly because they heard a bump in the night. We are seeing steps in the right directions and we should be thankful for that.

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with the press attention the FEO will tick every box very carefully, if the gun had been in proper storage then there would be a potential ****storm if they revoked the certificate, or failed to renew. If they emigrate then there may be no issue but if they stay it might crop up in the news in the future.

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It is right they were questioned thoroughly, as has already been mentioned, if only to tie up all loose ends to avoid any future private prosecutions.


However I feel home arrest would be more appropriate. Especially as they had been the victim of an ordeal, no need to stretch it out over three days in a police cell! !!!

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how long before hull are makeing home deffence rounds then with bean bags inside.. could always put rock salt into some clay carts i suppose..


wouldnt rocksalt still punture the skin at short distance ?


a beanbag in the chest at 20ft would hurt BUT if you miss by god you need to get the next shot on target otherwise ther will be one very angry burgler

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For once its the CPS who have called the shots and driven the Police to release them.

I wonder what the real Police line on this is, ie, what would they have done if they hadn't been instructed to release them.

Would the same conclusion have been reached.

I imagine not or they would have been out sooner.

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