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Fox-cage trap Q's


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Can I ask members on here a few queries with regards to cage trapping foxes?


Firstly..(as I understand it) I have to call the plod, get some sort of trapping number? And then attach this to my trap?

Is this the only requirement besides food/water and checking it 2X a day?


Anyone recommend where to purchase one for sensible money? Or any particular makes?




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No you don't have to call plod, but I do in case the neighbours call in that I have a gun in my garden. They give you a CAD number which will be on record if anyone does phone in. After the deed is done, I call and close the CAD down.

There is no requirement for food/water, just that it is checked once every 24 hours. Largely irrelevant as if they aren't in the trap in the morning, they aren't going to be until the following morning.

Can't remember what make mine is, but make sure you get a strong one as a trapped fox will mash a cheap one. Mine was about £130. 2" galavanised mesh.

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Can I ask members on here a few queries with regards to cage trapping foxes?


Firstly..(as I understand it) I have to call the plod, get some sort of trapping number? And then attach this to my trap?

Is this the only requirement besides food/water and checking it 2X a day?


Anyone recommend where to purchase one for sensible money? Or any particular makes?





As you have already been advised.......


I do wonder where this sort of thing starts, that is BULL.


And as also said, the fox is very good at destroying traps/cages, cheap may well end up a false economy, but if you are only interested in a one off catch it may be ok.


It may also be a LONG job, you will likely catch cats, squirrel, birds and possibly badger and Juvenile foxes, the Dog and Vixen are "usually" much harder to entice into a cage trap!






Look at the trap door left of picture and bent cage, and the seriously bent/detached foot trigger bar, all the work of the little girl in the trap!

Edited by Dekers
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Depends if you have an open certificate and what you want to shoot them with. I'd check with your FEO to be on the safe side.


you can get humane despatch of cage caught foxes, squrrels and rats on your FAC as a condition In practice its not good to shoot them anywhere the neigbours are watching even if its legal.


The only other advice I would give relating to traps is that bigger is better. The cheaper they are the smaller they are general

Edited by Vince Green
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Looking at your cage, it has bare mesh on the base, I usually put down a piece of ply or similar on the base

as I was advised that foxes do not like walking over mesh.


I heard Elvis was alive and living on the moon earning a living driving a bus........... I don't know of any fox trap that comes as standard with a piece of ply on the base as the fox doesn't like walking on mesh, if it was a problem you would think they would all come like that. :hmm: :hmm: :good:


Hasn't stopped this lass or any of the others I have caught, but I'm not a big fan of these traps anyway, collarum (http://www.collarum.co.uk/) or shooting I favour, but you have to select what works best in any given situation!....... even fox repellent :lol: , and hope it doesn't rain. :good: :good:

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I never said they came with a piece of ply as standard, go and read my thread again, it was advice.

But advice is not for someone who knows it all.


Your misses put you on rations or something, don't get arsey until you can read, just where did I say they come with wood, I was making the point that if they don't like walking on mesh then how come none of the traps come with a wood base?


I don't know it all, but a lot more than you it seems!


Have a nice day!

Edited by Dekers
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