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Zero Flighting

pigeon controller

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Started out Friday morning after some very heavy rain which made the Goodrich A/T work hard on the soft groud. Started looking at the wheat stubble and noticed that although the birds were down nothing was flighting to the field . Spooked the birds off this field which is not on our permission by shooting next to it which is and they flew exactly down the boundry fence, not crossing ours at all. We drove back up through the farm back on to the road, on the way up the grass field the traction control was working overtime but we got there. Driving round the roads we decided to shoot the wind ward side of the birds the hope was that the shot would spook them into wind and they would come over our land, so we set up in anticipation. Amazingly thats what they did straight int our pattern. We ended the day picking up one hundred and fifty three and slithered our way off the field.


Saturday morning saw us driving in a different direction following a phone call from a mate of DBs saying that they were pilling in on stubble wheat, when we arrived there was about two hundred birds down but nothing joining so we spooked them up and waited. Thirty minutes later and nothing , so we left. We then found another flock down on bean stubble and again nothing flighting so we spooked them and waited and had a brew and nothing returned so we drove on. As we were in the lanes a Farmer we know flagged us down and said that he had a pigeon problem at the back of his house. We know him of old and the problem is normally crows. If we refused to shoot that could mean losing the shoot so we agreed to have a go. When we drove to the field it had a host of crows and a few pigeon on the seed. So we set up for both 12 real pigeon to the right of us ,no magnet and two real crows to the left of us and started shooting. The shots were rattling the woods and that kept bringing birds to us, we shot till dusk and ended the day with ninety two pigeon and fiftynine crows and jackdaws so it was a great day at the end and as we had to drive through the farm to get home the farmer stopped us and we showed him the picture and he was overjoyed and it kept us on the land for the future.





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