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Any Tips on them pestly Magpies?


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Hi all going up on my permission today with the 17hmr. Basically in the past I've set up the dog house blind in a field laid bread out on a banking so it has a nice backstop and the crows etc will caww Circle bt not land. I watched a video on youtube done by gunvidder and he uses nuts etc. So I'm going to set up the dog house blind on the edge of forestry today, apg camo head to foot, and lay some nuts and scraps out on the banking in the hope something will come? Any tips on this also hoping for a squirrel perhaps.

Thanks all Lewis

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make sure they dont see you setting up

arrive before its light

I've heard plenty of people say this, but I've never had any issues with it. 30 minutes of quiet and stillness will do it every time for me.

For magpies and jackdaws, some eggs or a dead rabbit is like putting a top-notch meal out on a plate. They know something else is going to come in for it, or is going to notice it. That is then going to decrease the amount they get, or force them to fight for it

They are, basically, greedy. All you have to do is push the correct buttons to get the response you want.

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The the day I should have taken the 12bore I didn't :(

Well went up, scattered nuts etc after setting pop up hide up in woodland looked properly good camod up. Nothing came, waited and nothing came, so used the fox pro caller they flew over but wernt interested in the food I don't knw why as crows are scavengers?? Perhaps lunch time too late in the day?

Also no sign of magpie neither.

Crows came but circled within shotgun range but didn't even give the food a second look.

Thanks all for your tips guys


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Ive tried the owl on a permission swamped with magpies, not a thing came by

Ive tried plastic maggie deeks, no luck

but a rabbit belly up, draws them in great, 60yds away under a tractor is me, they may well have seen me crawl under, but it didn't stop them coming down



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Ive tried the owl on a permission swamped with magpies, not a thing came by

Ive tried plastic maggie deeks, no luck

but a rabbit belly up, draws them in great, 60yds away under a tractor is me, they may well have seen me crawl under, but it didn't stop them coming down



great job fella, hate magpies with a vengeance

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