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Which bird species?


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As I mentioned in general, I recently inherited some birds eggs, after checking the legality it is legal provided you do not pay for such eggs and can prove they are indeed antique, both of which I can do as these eggs were collected in the 19th Century, I don't agree with collecting birds eggs just to have some collection but now I have them in my possesion I might as well label them all for reference and also for interest. Many of them are labelled, some are broken but a few are blank. I'm not sure to the ID of these, at a guess I would say they are british bird eggs so maybe you have come accross some of these while walking the countryside and they obvious to you, I'd like to label them all for an archive and thought maybe some of you may recognise the birds they are from?


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William i think that in the first photo the egg on the left looks very much like a sparrow hawk. Its about the right size aswell. In the penultimate pic the one on the left looks like a coot i may be wrong, but trying to remember back to my mis spent youth is hard these days.

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I agree with T.C on the coot, and I think the other egg in that photo is either a moorhen or water rail. The picture before that looks a bit like a moorhen too. When I was a kid we used to walk the river banks with a spoon tied to a stick, taking a single egg from each moorhens nest until we had enough to cook an omelette over a fire on the bank. Delicious.

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Thanks guys this is brilliant I'll put preliminary (sp?) labels on their places, I knew you guys would come up trumps :lol::lol:


Theres a few more but I don't have a digital camera so will have to wait for my brother to come back. It seems there are two draws for water fowl and maybe one for birds of prey as there were 4 kestrel eggs which were already IDed. I doubt these eggs have been looked at for 60-100 years so I'm going to try and tart up their container and generally make 'em look better. thanks again :lol:

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