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Pigeon prices.

Will Beasley

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It looks like summer has come early round here in West Yorkshire. :rolleyes:


That is we have just started getting 10p a fresh bird ....5p frozen. With a round trip of 45 miles to the nearest dealer I know of, it is getting to the stage where you question taking 20-30 in. :blink:


I know that selling them is not the be all and end all, but I think their figures should be a bit higher.

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I once read that in the early 1900's when grouse was a huge delicacy the top London hotel and restuarant owners bought pigeons and crows for a good price and pretended they were grouse- the diners either didnt realise or they were to polite to say anything! :rolleyes: :blink:



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Big diffirence in prices! Here are the prices we get in Belgium.

Pigeon (young) 80-90 pence

pigeon (old) 40 pence

rabbit 2 £

duck 2 £

hare 7-9£

pheasant male 4-6 £, female 3-4£

when I leave England after a shooting week, I try to take as much game as possible with me to get some money back.

For the moment no shooting allowed until september, so we start fishing.


all the best! :rolleyes:

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seriously at those prices, it may well be worth someone looking into shipping them out in bulk... someone somewhere is making akilling!! I think the problem is not all that many people actually eat game, pigeons or rabbits in the UK unlike it france/belgium.


P.S. shooting game (and anything else for that matter ie crows, foxes etc..) in holland has now virtually completely ceased hasn't it?

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there are firms who import game from England. And those make huge profits.

I can only speak for Belgium where game is top menu in restaurants during the hunting season. Shooting during the whole year is not possible. It is even not the same as in England. You only can hunt here. Therefore you have to do an written and pratical test. The test goes about smal & big game, the practical shooting includes shotgun& rifle. If you succeed, starts another problem, it is not possible to hunt on land, smaller than 40 hectare. Now it is almost impossible to find that for beginners, therefore most of us joines a hunting group. Hunting time is short and from year to year we lose some species to shoot. You may not hunt crows & magpies, but it is stil allowed to exterminate them to protect crops & nesting smal birds. Fox we stil can hunt for a few months, but I think it wil be one of the last years. Lamping, rimfire & silencers are forbidden! Be glad you live in England!!



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