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a local farmer here got robbed the day after a farm sale as they thought he had money from it on the premises Beat him badly and took the guns rumour has it the police were following the gang and watched them go in as they had nothing to nick them for before hand.


As for the internet just don't post personal information its simple

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Guest cookoff013

I was broken into 2 years ago, lost 2 shotguns, plus the usual jewellery. Certainly was a wake up call. Top notch alarm fitted, two solid composite "rock" doors and put in laminated glass downstairs. Took the Mrs a while to settle down. Police were absolutely useless, because house contents were insured they didn't want to know. To the extent that some blood was found by the broken door used for entry. But because of cut backs they couldn't afford to send it for DNA testing for a match on the database. I wasn't pleased and at that point asked them to leave.


you should have asked to have it done and sent the bill to you. if they`d have id`d the guy from your £ evidence, i`d have had the balls to reclaim the cost back !

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