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Dog cut her leg

Essex Keeper

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If in any dought take to the vets. Mine cut between his pads up his leg, I could put my thumb ln the cut and touch his muscles. Vet sedated him cut bad away cleaned out properly stiched qnd glued and gave him antibiotics 4 weeks later was back working like nothing had happened. For the cost of £134 was well worth it.

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the lower section of the leg has lots of tendons, these run in a sort of shealth, damage to this is difficult to spot. Such unseen damage can lead to large amounts of trouble later. upper sections then less critical usually. If it only needs dressing the vet wont or shouldn't charge much. Unsure and you should always go the vet and not waste time asking on forums

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The worst possible thing the dog can do is lick wounds - it delays heeling and causes infection. Their mouth's are teeming with nasty bacteria. If it gapes it needs stitching or stapling. Nature is good at gluing things back together but it can take a lot longer to get better that having it stitched.


If in doubt get it checked. A fresh wound in a good dog can often be stapled and avoid a need for sedation/anaesthetic.

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I agree with apache, not just because he is a vet, but any cut is very difficult to keep clean especially at this time of year when even going to the toilet can be muddy.


I would have it cleaned and stitched/stapled, infection being the biggest concern.


A similar gash in a spaniels chest cost me about the same as Albert888, circa £130 from memory to have it stitched under sedation. Well worth it for a quick recovery IMO.

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Sorry Blackbart, I should've gone to specsavers... read that as inch and a half.


Half inch not much more than a nick, if it gets red off to the vet for some antibiotics.


The inch and half cut I referred to was on a spaniels chest and was a tear rather than a cut so was flapping open!

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Dettol is far too harsh for repeated use. In human medicine they almost never use disinfectants for wound cleaning any more. They use copious amounts of sterile saline.


For a dirty, contaminated wound in a dog I will use mild disinfectant to clean a wound initially, but we are talking dilute amounts of surgical scrub (eg Hibiscrub or Povidone Iodine). After that initial clean salt water is perfectly good enough. Even after cleaning with disinfectant I will use saline to remove residual disinfectant at the end.


You can improvise 0.9% saline with a teaspoon of table salt in a pint of water that has boiled and then cooled. Get a decent sized syringe (20/30/50ml) and something like a 19G needle and flush. Bacteria have a hydrostatic charge that just rinsing with no pressure will not dislodge.


Repeated use of disinfectant solutions damages the cells that allow the wound to heel and delay heeling and can increase the risk of infection.


Use the Dettol for cleaning the kennels!

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