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Drinking and driving


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I stopped a woman who was absolutely bladdered a few years back. Breath test reading of 189 ugs which is almost 6 times the limit . She went not guilty and it took a year of legal argument before the case was brought to trial. By that time she had been caught again and disqualified. She ended up getting sent down for 6 months.

In general the DD laws aren't tough enough . I'd like to see cars being forfeited on conviction as well as bans and fines

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I stopped a woman who was absolutely bladdered a few years back. Breath test reading of 189 ugs which is almost 6 times the limit . She went not guilty and it took a year of legal argument before the case was brought to trial. By that time she had been caught again and disqualified. She ended up getting sent down for 6 months.

In general the DD laws aren't tough enough . I'd like to see cars being forfeited on conviction as well as bans and fines


+ 1 totally agree

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Jonathan it's not an instant ban as you think but it is a mandatory ban when convicted. As we all know this can take months or even years to get to court and unless the suspect has bail conditions not to drive they can legally continue.


As far as I'm aware it's almost universally the case that you get an interim ban. My other half is a reporter and sees this at court all the time.


In fact, there isn't actually a mandatory ban for drink driving. You can sometimes avoid a ban if there are compelling reasons such as someone else depending on you keeping your licence. The only crime for which the penalty is fixed in law is murder.



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I stopped a woman who was absolutely bladdered a few years back. Breath test reading of 189 ugs which is almost 6 times the limit . She went not guilty and it took a year of legal argument before the case was brought to trial. By that time she had been caught again and disqualified. She ended up getting sent down for 6 months.

In general the DD laws aren't tough enough . I'd like to see cars being forfeited on conviction as well as bans and fines


How would making the law tougher have prevented someone like that? She clearly didn't care about getting caught in the first place.



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Taking a car off someone, or even giving them a ban off the road, who is caught over the limit, or while already banned, won't stop some of them unfortunately. I don't know what the answer is, but a long custodial sentence would help, increasing if they are caught again after serving the 1st one etc. Had this been the case during the 'incident' with my son and his friend, then they would be alive and well today.

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As far as I'm aware it's almost universally the case that you get an interim ban. My other half is a reporter and sees this at court all the time.


In fact, there isn't actually a mandatory ban for drink driving. You can sometimes avoid a ban if there are compelling reasons such as someone else depending on you keeping your licence. The only crime for which the penalty is fixed in law is murder.




As I understand it there are two different crimes that are frequently confused - providing a specimen of breath over the DD limit and drunk driving. To be convicted of drunk driving you don't need to be breathalysed and is a more serious offence.


I am all for zero tolerance, but perfectly happy to keep the limit where it is.


There needs to be a better means of stopping repeat offenders - who seem to be the ones caught and doing the most harm.

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I was told this some years ago, by a serving police officer, but don't know whether it's true. The index number of cars registered to people convicted of alcohol related driving offences are kept on a database and would provide an alert in an ANPR check.

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As far as I'm aware it's almost universally the case that you get an interim ban. My other half is a reporter and sees this at court all the time.


In fact, there isn't actually a mandatory ban for drink driving. You can sometimes avoid a ban if there are compelling reasons such as someone else depending on you keeping your licence. The only crime for which the penalty is fixed in law is murder.




In my experience the only times the court issue an interim ban is when someone is very high risk of reoffending. The stupid thing is usually that's people who are already banned.

Unless someone is remanded in custody to appear before the next available court, which is unlikely for a simple drink drive case then they would be bailed to court and that may take up to a month, maybe more.


So like I said its not an instant ban.

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I stopped a woman who was absolutely bladdered a few years back. Breath test reading of 189 ugs which is almost 6 times the limit . She went not guilty and it took a year of legal argument before the case was brought to trial. By that time she had been caught again and disqualified. She ended up getting sent down for 6 months.

In general the DD laws aren't tough enough . I'd like to see cars being forfeited on conviction as well as bans and fines


I agree, the penalties for most serious driving offences are pretty inadequate.


I had to watch and old lady die on Christmas Eve due to a driver losing concentration, head on collision as he drifted into her path she didn't stand a chance. I'll bet he was on the phone.


No doubt he'll go to prison but I very much doubt it'll be for long, she was on her way to family with a boot load of presents. Sad and totally avoidable.

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Cheers! It's a very hard one. Always hoped the police would nick him or someone else would do it. Would you believe said person is from a very religious and well to do family.


It's not easy :/


Don't have a problem believing that at all. There are some strange people around and religion seems to make strange people even stranger.


Shop him - you know it makes sense. If you don't and he kills someone how will you feel?



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bar owners know who is in there bar having arrived by car ,many have been doing it for years ,yet they continue to serve these people alcohol knowing full well they are going to drive home ! the punishments have to fit the crime ,endangering peoples lives with a motor vehicle should be a 5 years minimum ban . anybody with a firearm cert should face immediate revocation of cert and forfeit all firearms . as you will have shown a severe lack of judgement with regard to human safety .those people who disagree with MY views ,i intern ask why do you(they) disagree ? i think we already know the answer.


As An arrestable offence this would automaticly take place anyway: Any conviction of this type you will lose your CERT.::::

i know 2 people who have in the last 2 years been done for drink driving both were allowed to keep there firearms.
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steve b wales our thoughts are with you mate at this difficult time of year,hope you and your family have a great 2013 bud,,all the best evo and family


corvid wings, can i ask where you get "bar owners know who is in there bar having arrived by car " this is probably one of the most stupid comments i have heard anyone state on PW


how can a bar owner know who has arrived by car ? that is a childish comment and is not certainly backed up by fact


my wife and i has been bar owners for nearly 17 years now and how are we supposed to know who arrives by car


granted you have your hardcore drink drivers and beleive me ,where possible they would not get served in our pub IF we knew .how are we to know tho ? we do not stand outside the pub watching everyone who comes into the pub,all we can do is refuse to serve anyone whom we think is going to drink drive and also refuse to serve a person whom we think has had to much to drink but to say we know who is driving is ridiculous.


i do not in any way shape or form agree with drink driving,driving while using a mobile phone and do think the sentences should be very harsh and certainly be a custodial sentence and a minimum 3 year ban for drink driving


i think driving whilst using mobile phones should be six points and if you do it twice then you get a 12 month ban (12 points)


but for you to state what you stated is basically saying me and my wife are aiding and abetting drink driving is total utter tosh, please re think what you wrote because my wife and I are so against people drink driving probably more than you and anyone else on here


my thoughts are if you have one drink then dont drive simple as


corvid wings , all the best to you,and have a good year 2013 but please dont put me or my wife in your ridiculous thought you had because it is so far from the truth and is total fabrication

no sorry i won't back down,while landlords keep serving drunks with yet more alcohol ,don't you think they then have some responsibility how that person gets home .? and no it's not fabrication,i have no sympathy for the greedy publicans who keep serving so they can line there pockets .
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Cheers! It's a very hard one. Always hoped the police would nick him or someone else would do it. Would you believe said person is from a very religious and well to do family.


It's not easy :/


shop him or have a word and tell him you will shop him if he carries on! Hed be glad you did if you could show him that he may kill a person or a family!!

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no sorry i won't back down,while landlords keep serving drunks with yet more alcohol ,don't you think they then have some responsibility how that person gets home .? and no it's not fabrication,i have no sympathy for the greedy publicans who keep serving so they can line there pockets .

No - these things are personal responsibility. It's the idiot who drinks and drives fault. Nobody else's.


Funny how so many pubs are closing with it being so lucrative to be a publican....................


Personally knowingly drink driving, or driving an unsafe car has pre-meditation and therefore should be dealt with seriously. We all make mistakes when driving. I don't believe ANYONE can stand up hand on heart and say they never went around a corner too fast, miss-judged an overtake of had a momentary lapse in concentration whilst driving. These are genuine accidents and if something happens it is not fair to drag the poor driver through court - I imagine they are going through enough already.

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no sorry i won't back down,while landlords keep serving drunks with yet more alcohol ,don't you think they then have some responsibility how that person gets home .? and no it's not fabrication,i have no sympathy for the greedy publicans who keep serving so they can line there pockets .


i quite agree that the drink driving laws in this country should be far stricter but saying its the landlords fault is like saying that Derek Birds RFD should lose his license for selling him guns/ammo

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Question is: if you know of someone,(say a distant friend and nice guy) who drink drives would you report them? Not easy to do but it's just as much on your conscience that you know they are doing it.



I don't have any drinks of Im driving. Not even a half pint.


I have posted on here before I reported a close friend, he had been a friend for years, he and his wife came to our wedding years before. He never spoke to me again and died a few years ago of an alcohol related illness.

Edited by Vince Green
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