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New 11+ exam to start. Designed to stop 'coaching'.


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I read with interest today that a new 11 plus is being implemented this autumn to stop the above.


Its going back to a pure aptitude test with 2 papers sat on the same day, and will put the coaching industry out of business. If you like, it's going back to what it used to be, to help bright people go to a higher level. I say a good idea, what about the forum?

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It is a good idea and its fair; after all, you can train a parrot to talk, but does that make it intelligent?


They should do an English and Maths test with an IQ test thrown in.


They have clocked that bright and gifted kids are not getting a look in over the coached kids.



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It is a good idea and its fair; after all, you can train a parrot to talk, but does that make it intelligent?


They should do an English and Maths test with an IQ test thrown in.


They have clocked that bright and gifted kids are not getting a look in over the coached kids.

In my day it was maths English and "verbal reasoning" all sat on same day in a big hall...... I guess that's progress...........

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Why on earth do they decide to scrap something like they did with the 11+ God knows how many years ago, because they thought it was awaste of time. Then decades later some bright spark who was obviously born way after, decides that it may be a good idea to have an exam for pre senior school and call it the "11+"


Oh! so clever people

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Over the years I've done all sorts of psychometric, IQ, employment etc etc testing and the only one I came across that I didn't think could be coached was WAIS. This has to be administered one on one by a qualified psychologist and even then overall result is a fairly poor indicator of academic and employment ability. A lot of focus is required on individual section results is needed. It also wouldn't be appropriate for an 11+ scenario.


I think teacher guided streaming in comprehensive schools is perfectly suitable. Worked fine for me and there isn't much I wouldnt change about where I am as a result.

Edited by guest1957
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Why on earth do they decide to scrap something like they did with the 11+ God knows how many years ago, because they thought it was awaste of time. Then decades later some bright spark who was obviously born way after, decides that it may be a good idea to have an exam for pre senior school and call it the "11+"


Oh! so clever people


Think its a government thing, labour not keen on selective schools

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I dont like the education and employment situation we have in this country from start to finish its all completely meaningless. I remember trying to do GCSE exams on topics we were never tought about and on the other hand my partner is a learning disability nurse who works in a place where all the higher up people have got the jobs by having degrees but dont know anything about the job and are suspended, demoted and moved about to other units whereas the actual people who do all the work and actually run the place will never get anywhere because they dont have a degree.


I would much prefer to just take people as they come and judge them on how they are and what they do not some silly peice of paper that they might of winged it.

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In my day it was maths English and "verbal reasoning" all sat on same day in a big hall...... I guess that's progress...........


Still like that in Hertfordshire. Well, just Maths and verbal reasoning. The english comprehension is also done by the independent schools.


I don't see how you can make coaching irrelevant though.

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