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I don't know the rifle, but I'll assume it is full power and accurate enough to hit a 1" target at hunting ranges (30 yards).


There are 2 ways of getting close to rabbits; by either very slowly and quietly stalking them with the wind in your face or by sitting and waiting - again down wind. As the weather warms up a bit you'll start seeing them out in the mornings and late afternoons, so best to find a warren where you know they will be and wait quietly. Go for brain shots - aim at the side of the head between the eye and ear. Rabbits will feel vibrations through the ground, small you if you are upwind and see any movement but they probably won't notice you if you stay very still so I'd recommend the stake-out method.

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If bunny runs for the hedge / warren anticipate where it's heading and sight ahead of it and wait. This is because invariably the rabbit will stop and look around just before it dives through The hedge or down the hole. That momentary pause is when you can get a shot off. Bob.

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On new land, a steady, slow approach works, ideally keeping a bit of cover, or a fence post between you. I wear a peaked cap and keep my head down, peering under the brow and raising the rifle slowly. Close to the burrow you can usually get within twenty yards in daylight, closer in the evening, while rabbits feeding out will run back at around thirty yards, but stop at the fence, or burrow giving a shot. I've shot hundreds with my 12lb Webley Viper like this.

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have to agree with falcon and lakeside,


my favorite method is when you find where the rabbits are,which will be close to their burrows, get there before light and downwind of them and lie down in the grass pref to the side of a hedge or wood,and sit and wait, i have done this many times and sometimes i have just lay in the grass and just watched them messing about,its a truelly fantastic thing to do,but always shoot to your capabilities and if your anything like me then dont try and shoot them over 35 yrds, i could probably shoot them futher out but i personally dont do it.


the main thing is be still and quiet and it will suprise you just how close they will come, but when the first one pops out and your heart is pounding,just take your time and enjoy it


nothing better than sitting waiting for a rabbit to appear,


good luck with ya bunny bashing,,,,Evo

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ont try and shoot them over 35 yrds, i could probably shoot them futher out but i personally dont do it.



Very good advice IMHO, in many years of pest controlling now ive only taken two long range shots, both were fine but i was 100 percent sure when i pulled the trigger. Just because you can do something doesnt always mean you should. There is never any harm in spending ten more minutes crawling towards a wiely rabbit to get that little bit closer, if you spook him it will always be there for another day. If and when you wound one it will say with you a very long time, yes i wounded one many years ago now.


Some advice i was givven by a farmer was if you go out shooting, never shoot at the first rabbit you see. Might be a superstitious thing, but if you dont see another one and spent three hours out, you know rabbits arnt really too much of a problem.. something along those lines, i dont know ive just always followed that advice.

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