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Fourten Pistol information please.


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This might make me sound a little thick but thats a part of life occasionally!I have heard about using a Fourten Pistol for dispatching with but I really don't know where to start finding any information on Fourten Pistols. Can anyone point me in the right direction please of offer any information on the legalities of obtaining and using a Fourten Pistol please?

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You can get one, depending on where you live! I have mine for control of vermin in and around buildings.


I requested it for dispatch, but had a phone call explaining that it could only be issued for this purpose, so that's all i use it for!

Edited by zeff1357
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Frenchie -


13.20 Section 4 of the 1997 Act allows the

possession and use of shot pistols in calibres

.410 and 9mm rimfire, provided that such a

pistol is “subject to a condition that it is only

for use in connection with the shooting of

vermin” (see Appendix 3 for the exact

wording of the condition which covers these

circumstances). This exemption was intended

mainly for pest controllers who may need to

use a firearm of this kind in farm buildings,

farmyards and similar areas where use of

a conventional shot gun would be

inappropriate, for example fruit cages

or near release pens.


If you wanted it conditioned for humane dispatch that shouldn't be a problem in itself, but would fall under section 5. So long as you can provide good reason then there is no reason it cannot be granted.


People harp on how pistols are banned, but I own 2, have a 'shared' condition on a 3rd and have a free emergency slot should I need to acquire another at short notice.

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