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Hunting Bill


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80% of Labour peers fail to support Government's Hunting Billl


Only 40 Labour peers, 20% of the total, supported the Government's Hunting Bill during Tuesday's Committee Stage in the House of Commons.


In the vote to reinstate the Government's original licensing system into the Bill, which was amended to ban all hunting in the Commons, the other 156 Labour peers either backed the amendment or abstained.


The licensing amendment was passed by 261 votes to 49. Discounting those hereditary peers who voted the amendment would still have been carried by a majority of 147.


In the two votes in the Lords and the Commons 366 parliamentarians backed a ban but 406 supported a licensing system.


Simon Hart, Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: "No Government Bill in living memory has had as little support from its own party as this Hunting Bill. If only 20% of Labour peers could be persuaded to support the ban passed in the Commons there can be no justification for wasting more Parliamentary time pursuing a ban.


"The will of Parliament is clear - a majority of parliamentarians want the Government to honour its commitment to reach a conclusion to the hunting issue based on principle and evidence through a workable licensing system".



(From the Countryside Alliance Website)

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the main problem is the way the CA has publicised the anti's pitch. As far as there publicity goes it's all about folks on horse back in red coats following a pack of hounds.

This is where it has all gone wrong . No mention of courseing , terrier work , lurcher work or even the field trial work outs where dogs flush birds .

If they had told the masses about this then a lot more folks would turn up on nov.1st ...

most of the "comman folk" don't think it encludes their sport.


hope it makes sence ....Far too amny pints of the local's guest beer ....it's O.P.


all the best yis yp :blink:

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To be honest there is a very mixed message coming over to hunters, if you believe the BBC theyll tell you that a bill will be forced through in the next 3 months, if you read the Countryside Alliance leaflets it reads that a ban is impossible due the changing tide in support for the hunt inside the commons, who do you believe???

Im at a loss to be honest so im taking each season as it comes any ban or licencing wont come into effect before next seasons Autumn hunting at the earliest and even if it is at worst banned, il still carry on, afterall your not much of a man if you let a silly thing like Jail come between you and your principles.

I think if it is banned a step up in shooting and mass culling will happen, it my be in a way irresponsible hunting but driving the fox to the edge of extinction might be the only way to prove to the government that selective hunting with hounds is the only way to keep fox numbers at a stable equilibrium.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Read in the paper at the weekend, the fox hunting bill is rumoured not to be mentioned in the queens speech in 3 weeks time, now that could be interesting ???:lol:

It turned out to be true.


Great stuff.


Perhaps Mrs Blair will not get her way after all.


What a difference a (Declaration) Day makes?

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Guest flightline
Sorry to **** on yer fireworks lads but the other rumour is that Blair and his cronies (I can't be bothered to type a full description) will almost certainly use the veto of the parliamentary vote to get it thro, so it not being on the Queens speech has little impact I'm afraid. ???:lol:

The hunting bill was not in the Queen`s Speech. But supposedly Blair has been saying to his people that the time is not yet ripe for it, with so much aggravation pending in the Lord`s, which he`s proposing to make a fully appointed House, throwing out the remaining heriditaries and holding no elections. This will seriously **** them off. Another rumour is the man Blair has been telling his Foundation Hospital refusniks-pass up your conscience vote on the NHS and I`ll see hunting goes.

Still, the ban`s not happened yet, has it. So the fight goes on.

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Guest flightline

New Labour`s latest beezer wheeze is to have a Big Conversation with the British people on what`s important to them. Why don`t we let them know what`s important to us?





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Sorry to **** on yer fireworks lads but the other rumour is that Blair and his cronies (I can't be bothered to type a full description) will almost certainly use the veto of the parliamentary vote to get it thro, so it not being on the Queens speech has little impact I'm afraid. ???:lol:

The Parliament Act has never been used in support of a Private Member's Bill as yet.

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Guest flightline

It`ll probably be a Government Bill if and when it comes. Think the CA should be organising the most massive march on a working day this time. Make it so big it`ll make the Bush demo a sideshow by comparison.

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