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first time in my working life


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Yep been there end of 2011 when I left my job to take a break and enter the world of self employed contractor and I hated it for the 3 months I did it for, it was my first time being un-employed, all I wanted was my tax back that I had paid over my 20 year working life but they seemed to be under the impression it was their money?

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Touch wood iv not had to do it yet, but I know what you feel like out of place, every time I drive past a job centre it makes my blood boil, see them all hanging outside smoking, drinking thinking the world owes them a favor. Never worked a day in their life.


We can all find ourselves out of work and need benifits , that's life, but there should be a cap, 2/3 years tops then you need to work 30 hours a week for your benifits. Litter picking, gardening in parks etc etc. least we get something back then. And if they are working for peanuts they may be motivated to get of their **** and find work.

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Some who sign on for jobseekers allowance, are sometimes sent for an interview to gain employment. As they don't want to work, but cannot refuse to do so, they attend interviews, and then act totally stupid and ignorant,(basically being their normal selves) so they don't get taken on by the employer. As they have 'attended' an interview, they get to keep their benefits!

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I have been there a few times and what I have always thought is as there will probably never the enough jobs for everyone why not except that as a fact and try our best to give people who want to work the skills to do something and them really help them to get jobs.


Some people for whatever reasons nobody would want to employ so I say bite the bullet and give them there benefits but only enough to keep them going instead of wasting money sending people on courses etc that will help nobody but the people who provide the courses for the unemployed.


Anyone who has worked with some of these people will all agree that they was pleases when the person left or got the sack and as we do not live in a country like America where they are quite prepared to let people starve and that is one of the reasons why so many people have or need to have guns for self protection.

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been to sign on the first time in 30 years boy did i feel out of place they forgot to to take my inside leg they asked everyting else

Fortunately never been there myself but I have heard that newcomers get interrogation while the old hands sail away happy and content. Good luck in your search for a job.



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cheers mr yates not put it about that much


looking for a placement with a gas fitter now asked them if they could help they looked at me as though i had 2 heads and asked why i would take on unpaid work they think everyone is trying tto skank them


anyway anybody no a gas fitter just asking then i can put it on my what i have done to look for a job to keep them happy

Edited by dazsl
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going back a few years now i found just make up the jobs on your looking for work booklet thats what i did when i was on it for a few months while i got my tax back (contribution based nobody checks or cares keeps em happy as long as you put 6 a fortnight on happy days. if you got any other house hold income coming in you may as well not bother to claim

Edited by overandunder2012
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been there once when i filled out the form asking where i was prepared to work i put anywhere , i was then informed i had to be more specific so i asked for some a4 blank paper and i sat and wrote down the names of all the towns i could think of :)

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did you go in your pajamas or a hoody so you didnt stand out too much!! i remember a few years ago when i got made redundant from being a ships officer i went in to sign on and when i handed the guy my p45 he looked at me and said "why are you here signing on if you earnt that much" once i had stopped the steam coming out my ears i explained to him that i was entitled to sign on and also it would keep my national insurance stamps upto date!! i went ballistic!! asked to see the manager and made a formal complaint!!

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I signed on for a couple of weeks back in 2004. I had engineered a pay off and had another job to go to but thought I would try the signing-on experience. To be honest I was a bit of an ****. I had a large chunk of cash in the Bank and was driving a new Range Rover. I quite loudly made a fuss that the car parking spaces outside (yes they had car parking spaces) weren't big enough for one to park their Range Rover in. Didn't go down well. As I said a bit of an **** but fun at the time.

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I'm self employed been working since I left school never claimed a penny, I broke my arm Saturday and will have to have 8 weeks off ( not my choice I'd be working if I could, it's day 1 and I'm driving my self crazy) iv just rang to see if I can get any support and was told no! This country is a complete joke, then you here all these refugees by passing all eu country's to get to Britian to claim every Benifit they can get there hands on, lows life's that have never done a days graft in there life's are better of than the working class. Sorry it's all wrong.

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I'm self employed been working since I left school never claimed a penny, I broke my arm Saturday and will have to have 8 weeks off ( not my choice I'd be working if I could, it's day 1 and I'm driving my self crazy) iv just rang to see if I can get any support and was told no! This country is a complete joke, then you here all these refugees by passing all eu country's to get to Britian to claim every Benifit they can get there hands on, lows life's that have never done a days graft in there life's are better of than the working class. Sorry it's all wrong.

I totally agree with you mate :good: problem is they need to shaft all us workers,to pay for them that don't want to work :yes: BB

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