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Equipment "hints and tips"


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I use a lot of different kit to go shooting, depending on what I want to shoot. For rabbits and birds I use my Webley "Tomahawk" with 3-9*50 px ir and BBMF silencer. The large 6 baffle BBMF has superb sound suppression ability. Although scoped and silenced it is a hefty 11-12 pounds. I would like to know whether attaching a bipod is practical.

For shooting Squirrels I use a Webley "Sport" this little 10ft/lb Rifle Is light and highly point able. The "Sport" is mounted with a 4*32 Scope, this is fine on a sunny day but when light is a bit low it can be a little difficult to pick out the target, would using a small Maglite or LASER be any help?

On pellets I find that although a little more expensive SN Dynamics win through for shooting rabbits, I use Powapell for squirrels, but neither are suitable for fast despatching of birds (SN Dynamics have a habit of going straight through the body or completely demolishing the skull with stomach turning results, Powapell deform more easily so penetrate less effectively). Can anybody recommend a good .22 pellet for shooting pigeons, crows or magpies? :blink:

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I find that Crosman Verminpell are the ticket for up to 30 yards on birds and rabbits alike, although for long range stuff I use H & N FTT, they have decent weight and are well accurate in my gun, I was told to stay well away from pellets that are made from anything harder than lead as they can damage the bore after a lot of use, but having said that I havent used them so I cant say whether it is true or not.

If you use springers exclusively use mid weight pellets as they prefer these pellets, the same way PCP`s prefer heavier types.

Red Stag I would love to be able to build guns, I envy you man.

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Cheers for the tips fells :lol: One for you guys, I made a really good mock up squirrel target by getting a few pairs of old socks and some furniture sponge. Pull on the socks one after the other then pull the whole lot of in one bundle or roll pack the sponge in and mould into a squirrel shape with a wire up the middle and freezer bag ties to make up the head. The Finished target can be used in any situation or standing position. When shot it sounds and reacts much like actually shooting a squirrel and absorbs the pellet. :blink:

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